Maybe some of you have heard the old saying, one bad apple spoils - TopicsExpress


Maybe some of you have heard the old saying, one bad apple spoils the bunch? Unfortunately I have seen bushels of them since Peters passing. How sad is that I ask? I dont belong to groups about Peter (except I was permitted to post in here as Justin is a friend) & I dont feel the need to make sure I am a focal point for anyone by making up nonsense about him because he is dead & not here to defend himself against all of the inventions created about him since his passing. How, may I ask, is it that so many feel the need to make themselves important by using him still? hes gone, his story is sadly concluded & the very least he deserves is the respect of HONESTY! Would it be more fun to make up glorious tales of grand adventures shared with him that never happened? Some seem to think so. Would you feel a heightened sense of self importance if you were to pretend that maybe having taken a photo with him was really proof of a bonded & meaningful association? Apparently there are those who feel inclined to go with that one! Would you like to take a few moments of having been used then getting your name in his black book (& oh yes, he indeed kept one complete with symbols in Symphont for ratings & activities which I read to my dismay) & pretend you shared a relationship that had any meaning? That seems to be a chronic epidemic that causes the receptacles to look foolish & skanky but they think it elevates them somehow. I dont care about anybody in all of this except the one person everyone likes to profess is the one that matters but so many have chosen to overlook, use, dishonor, disrespect & walk all over Peter. that is unacceptable! From his family (primarily Marie & her ridiculous lies) who ought to be content knowing they were in point of fact related regardless of how close they were not with him, to his fans whether they met him or not, to the gothapotamous whooahs & groupies & delusional nutjobs again, I emphasize the ONLY one who matters is PETER! Is that a concept so difficult to understand? Why am I writing this now? because despite the reality I have zero interest in what goes on behind the closed doors of peter based pages I do have many friends who are fans who share what they consider to be pertinent. there was a post by somebody named Crystal Purvis & I knew, firsthand & for a fact, her version of things was a lie, meant to bolster herself while using Peter to seem like she had some sort of significance. & on his behalf, it bothered me just as it would have bothered him were he still here. For the first decade of really knowing Peter if i had stood up for him in any way he would have considered that an affront against his masculinity as he, like most people, had insecurities & he needed to prove he was a man & a woman standing up for him would have made him feel weak. But once he was sober things changed & he expressed gratitude to me for doing so which is why I shall. Those of you who take offense can learn to deal with that as its your problem. I am tired of the disrespect shown by all the lies. It hurts me for him as in life he was exceptionally sensitive & one thing he hated (though for years allowed & tolerated) was being used. When he obtained his sobriety he vowed not to allow that to happen anymore. he was an entirely different man who had a sense of value & self worth & would NEVER have tolerated this ongoing nonsense. Why is it so incredibly difficult for some to deal with reality whereas he is concerned? I am not saying women should not have their fantasies about him as part of him was very flattered by that, but for the love of all that is holy please keep them in check & stop attempting to desperately convince others what never transpired was genuine. Its not a tribute to him, its called psychosis! Peter was a brilliant musician & an intriguing entertainer but he was also a real person with authentic feelings & a heart & soul & doggonit its time EVERYONE who has acted to the contrary recognizes that if you cannot afford him the respect & honesty he is rightfully entitled to then you do not deserve to so much as think his name in your mind let alone write out your lies & dishonoring babble for others to feed upon because they know no better! make it about PETER or be gone all together please, thank you!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 04:35:21 +0000

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