Maybe this is all one sided, sure we can bicker back and forth - TopicsExpress


Maybe this is all one sided, sure we can bicker back and forth about whats right and whats wrong but the bottom line is: If we do not come together as a people and stand up for our needs, if we do not take it upon ourselves to uphold our freedoms, our rights, and our liberties and if we continue to ignore the importance of voting on election day. There will not be a middle class, and there will not be a Democracy. the issue isnt we want to take from the rich and give to the poor, the issue isnt the working poor are lazy and dont want to find jobs. The issue is there is a war between the rich and the poor. The issue is we want to see justice for those who caused the housing bubble and caused the economy to collapse in 2008. The issue is corporations are people and money talks and the super rich can spend unlimited amounts of money to win elections. The issue is it gets harder and harder to vote on election day [why the hell is this not a national holiday?]. The issue is more than half of the country lives below the federal poverty level and half of that are the working poor. The rich are not creating good paying jobs in the United States of America, they are creating low wage jobs in other countries around the world [made in china] and they continue to get more and more tax breaks, they continue to control the Federal and State governments. They are the ones responsible for making an oligarchy and a plutocracy. They stampe on our rights and our liberties by wanting to control the internet [which is a form of free speech] The federal government declared the Email is not private information and it is not unconstitutional for them to read it and acquire personal data for the NSA, let alone tap all of our communication devices and list all of our personal information in a neatly kempt box used for their agenda. They signed into law the National Defense Authorization act of 2012 [NDAA which was negotiated by a small group of members of Congress, in secret, and without proper congressional review and Section 1021 and 1022 have been called a violation of constitutional principles and of the Bill of Rights] ***************************************************************************************************** The Rest of this is a summary of a video by Bernie Sanders who may be running for the Presidential Candidate in 2016 explaining what has been going on in the Political world Link here: https://youtube/watch?v=qU2P6OAbevw If you have questions or comments or you want to point out flaws and bicker then you can email me at NateBugay@gmail ****************************************************************************************************** While we are struggling with a record breaking deficit and a 17.7 trillion national debt (and growing) caused by those wars in Iraq and Afganistan, Caused by the tax breaks for the wealthy and caused by the Wall Street bail out; we have all these expenses SO we have to give tax breaks to millionairs and Billionairs! But, we still have this debt and these expenses. Obviously the priority is to give tax breaks to the millionirs and billionairs [because they create Jobs right]? But we still have this Deficit, to deal with that were going to cut back on education, child care, pell programs, food stamps, employment compensation, health care and energy. We just dont have enough money for working families and their needs. We need to give tax breaks to the billionairs because they fund the campaigns and create jobs. They get whats due to them. Wallstreet [who is sitting on 1 trillion dollars, they caused the housing bubble, and not a single person was held responsible or incriminated for it], the Ceos of large financial institutions [The Walton Family and Mitt Romneys corporation], big oil companies [the Koch brothers and Exxon Mobil Family] want to repeal or slow down many of the provisions and the safty nets put into place so Exxon Mobil can remain the most profitable corporation in world history while coal and oil companies continue to pollute our water and our air; so they can continue to get richer and acquire more power. Exxon mobile made 19 billion dollars in profit, they also paid 0 in taxes and they recieved a $156 million dollar refund from the IRS. The Walton family is the richest family in the world creating millions of minimum wage jobs [Causing many mom and pop stores and other corporations like Radio shack and Best Buy to set lower standards and even declare bankruptcy while saying if I could pay you less I would but laws and regulations stop me from doing so.] The Koch brothers who have their extraordinary wealth and overwhelming political influence harm progressive causes opposing social security, supporting the abolition of medicare and medicaid, they support the repeal of minimum wage laws, they have been quoted saying they oppose all government welfare and relief projects. They want to repeal all taxation, they want all civil and criminal sanctions against tax evasion to be terminated, they Lobbied for Citizens United [corporations are people and money is speech].
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 03:18:02 +0000

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