Mayo clinic pregnancy app for educating expectant - TopicsExpress


Mayo clinic pregnancy app for educating expectant mothers Pregnancy can be a complicated time for patients. It can be fraught with anxiety, numerous check-ups and appointments, and new rules. Known for its consumer health information books, integrated care, and research, the Mayo Clinic released an educational app geared towards patients. The app itself is purely educational with limited interactivity or personalization. The only information it asks of patients is their current week based on the estimated date of confinement or last menstrual period. The app then uses that information to present a selection of topics relevant for that week, gradually introducing more information (e.g. first-trimester screening in week 8, quad-screens in week 14) throughout pregnancy and the first 3 months of baby’s life. Mayo Clinic’s new app is easily something that supplements a physician’s practice and stands out among the field of crowded pregnancy apps on Google Play. The app includes a limited selection of technical pictures for more innocuous procedures such as ultrasounds. For other more involved topics like amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, or C-sections, the app eschews pictures of the procedures to show stock photographs of pregnant mothers.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 07:32:04 +0000

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