Me, a slow tear down my cheek and sighing deeply, standing last - TopicsExpress


Me, a slow tear down my cheek and sighing deeply, standing last night at the kitchen sink, holding a janky, cracked, duct taped, dollar-store, Halloween printed bowl in my hands. The bowl has been around for nine years. Previously it held Halloween candy, pumpkin guts, popcorn, Legos, punch. Most recently I used it to hold dishwater inside the sink, and over the last six months Ive washed no less than 850 loads of dishes in it. We dont have a dishwasher (other than me), so ALL the dishes go through that bowl. The Mr, noticing my sadface as he walked into the kitchen: Finally throwing out your wash bowl, huh? Dont be sad, its just a bowl. Me: Yes, but its been used for EVERYTHING. I know its just a dish bowl right now, but I caught two of my placentas in this thing. ** crickets ** WHAT. WHY IS THAT A BAD THING. OBVIOUSLY I WASHED IT, LIKE ONE MILLION TIMES. :D (homebirth for the win) (placenta does not stick to dishes) (one with my body)
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 23:15:00 +0000

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