Me and My Vera!! I would like to take this opportunity to tell you - TopicsExpress


Me and My Vera!! I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about how the Aloe Vera products are beneficial to me. Firstly, I would like to tell you briefly that I am a sufferer of the rare skin condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB for short). EB is a genetic skin condition passed on through faulty genes that both of my parents are a carrier of. It is a blistering condition, the blisters are burn-like and can be very sore and painful. What causes it is the epidermis and the dermas layers do not bond with the outer skin layers properly causing the outer layer of my skin to break out into blisters whenever friction is applied to the skin. Myself and my partner Paul have been a part of FLP for four months now, and have been using the products for our own personal use as well as being distributors. All of the products that I have used so far have been beneficial for me and my skin condition. I am using a wide variety of products to help with myself and my skin condition. I use the Bee Propolis cream on my thumb openings because they have a habit of cracking, resulting in becoming very sore for quite sometime. Before I started to use the cream my thumbs used to take a good three to four weeks to heal up properly, but since using the Bee Propolis cream after a week my thumb healed up more or less completely with no reactions towards the contents. It used to be a nightmare to heal them up properly and to prevent any infection starting, but with the Bee Propolis it sorts all of that out because it contains a natural antibiotic to help with the prevention of infection. It used to get so sore and painful that it used to stop me from doing things for myself properly and I was limited to one hand usage. Sometimes it used to get to a point where they would stop me from driving because it would be so painful that I could not open my hands to grip the steering wheel making it difficult to steer my car even though it has power assisted steering. Due to my EB the healed areas of the skin in certain places, that do not need to be bandaged, dry out; forming flakes of dry skin making it extremely itchy. Itching is a big problem area for me because the friction that is applied to scratch the skin can cause it to bleed which then leads to a blister and so on. That is when the Aloe Moisturiser comes into the equation. All I do is apply it to the dry patch and it moisturises as well as cools the skin down to take the itching away for a couple of hours. I have used other moisturisers in the past but they did not do what I wanted it to do for as long as the Aloe Moisturiser does. Due to the remarkable results since I started using the Aloe Moisturiser I am seriously considering giving the Aloe Lotion a try. Due to the nature of my skin condition I have to have my bandages removed and changed daily, resulting in me spending an hour to an hour and a half sat in the bath soaking off the old dressings. I find that the Aloe Bath Gelee is very good because it relaxes me when I am sat in the bath especially because I have to spend so long in there sometimes, and it moisturises my skin even though sometimes I have to apply some of my other solutions with it to make it more moisture friendly. But I do not know where I would be without my Bath Gelee. EB does not just affect me externally; it also affects me internally by having blisters in my mouth and throat caused by eating. It used to be a nightmare shopping for toothpaste because all the toothpaste that we bought from the supermarket stung and burned the blisters that were in my mouth, discouraging me from cleaning my teeth properly. But thanks to Forever Bright Toothgel my nightmare is over. The gel with its peppermint and spearmint is gentle and burn-free, it even makes my teeth feel cleaner and it gives me confidence, encouraging me to brush my teeth. The natural antiseptic that it contains helps with the healing of the blisters that are in my mouth and throat. Paul is a sufferer of tonsillitis and when it comes up he is in bed for a good week really ill. Paul had a bout of it a couple of months ago and because he uses the Forever Bright it kept the infection to a minimum making him less ill. He still had to take antibiotics for it, but he was not half as bad as he used to get in the past when he got it. The blisters that I have can range from small to very large blisters making it extremely painful. With the pain and stinging I used to literally cry, but I have found a spray which I call my "magic spray entitled Aloe First. Paul sprays it on the area and I have immediate relief from the stinging and it takes the edge off the pain. Like the Aloe Vera Gelee I do not know where I would be without Aloe First to take the edge off the stinging and the pain which is a relief for me because I know that it has an immediate action when it is applied to the areas. It is also soothing due to the added moisturisers that it contains. Due to the severity of the blistering I have to fight off infection and I have a five-month-old baby to care for making me extremely tired, I help to combat it by drinking the Aloe Berry Nectar. Since taking it I have been less tired and sleeping better in the night. I take it every day to help with the tiredness and to boost my energy levels a little bit to get me through the day. I find it very beneficial to aid tiredness and give me goodnights sleep in the night. I am unable to use a normal bar of soap as it dries out my skin and the perfume that some of them contain irritates my skin. I have found a soap that does not irritate or dry out my skin, I use the Aloe Liquid Soap everyday in substitute to a normal bar of soap when I take a bath. It softens my skin, it does not sting the open blisters and it moisturises my skin, where a normal bar of soap would dry it out completely. Most people always like to have tidy hair whenever they go out or find themselves constantly running a brush through their hair. I use the Aloe Styling Gel to help to keep my hair in place as it does not dry up my scalp too much which some gels and hair sprays do making it itchy at the same time. As well as finding the Aloe Bath Gelee relaxing, I find the shampoo and conditioning rinse relaxing as it gives off relaxing scents for me. I also have incredibly dry scalp as I get blisters in my hair as well and it helps with the dryness of my scalp. I am really glad that I have found and joined FLP because if it was not for them I would not have found all these products and with my skin condition I have had benefits from all of them. Thank you FLP you have solved a lot of my problems. The title "Me and My Vera is true; I would not live without it.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 20:00:01 +0000

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