Me and my big mouth Written by Larry Faraon Sunday, 24 August - TopicsExpress


Me and my big mouth Written by Larry Faraon Sunday, 24 August 2014 00:00 font size decrease font size increase font size Print 2 comments There must be a God who reveals the evil thoughts of man! Somebody just blew the lid of a boiling brew — No Elections in 2016! Forget about 2016 aspirants and refocus on the 2014’s schemers. We can presume, there really must be a list of options, namely plan A, plan B, plan C etc. Surely, some official mouthpieces are munching more than they can swallow. There is a chasm of difference between detractors who claim a NO-EL plan and an official spokesman or official representative who makes a slip of his tongue. Probably he just came out of a paranoid discussion with confreres about such a scenario. There is actually a credible certainty in that slip. Sometimes horses should be fed with grass so they would keep their mouths shut. In 2007 there already was a NO-EL scenario painted due to power outages that would render elections difficult. Today, bleak prognostications of the energy agencies on the shortage of energy supply to the nation by next year are sending us chills on the thrillers of a preempted electoral exercise in favor of term extension. For a NO-EL scheme or scenario to be effected, all that is needed is for the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to declare its unpreparedness or incapacity in conducting the 2016 elections. The agency can claim a massive failure of registration or invent scams of all sorts in implementing the automated counting for instance. There is such a precedent, and espoused by former Comelec Chairman Melo in 2007. Or, this could perhaps be done simply by blowing up all the precinct-count optical scan machines in the bodega before distribution to the polling precincts! Terrorists would be on hand to take the blame. Congress in fact can call off a scheduled election and P-Noy can invoke a united voice among the Liberal Party majority with his baton’s wield. Then there is the martial law scenario that would absolutely deprive the democratic electorate their right at suffrage. It’s not only the slip of the tongue but that the slip is really showing with P-Noy’s recent dictatorial acts which he unwittingly and tactlessly revealed. Chaos at all fronts would justify a president to declare a martial regime in order to “save” the country. There are already patterns of chaotic concoctions. The back to square one of the Bangsamoro law would probably send the rebels to the hinterlands and our army compromised. With rallies being staged here and there spilling a litter of blood aside from sweat and tears of the rallyists spoiling the silence of the streets and creating a gargantuan peace and order situation where the police would be forced to hand over the job to their military counterparts. In the meantime and it has begun, prices of basic commodities are soaring beyond control. As in the late 60’s and early 70’s the economic monopolism of the unscrupulous warranted the declaration of a martial rule in order to dismantle monopolies so prevalent in those days and worse in our society today. Then there would be a government claim to the deterioration of the revered institutions in the country. First in the list is the Supreme Court which is being portrayed by this government as anti-development or anti-poor. With the last minute squeezing of a favored associate justice, with probably some marching orders to further pull down the highest judicial body toward public mistrust and irrelevance, the government is using conflict and imbalance of functions to discredit the highest judicial office. And so with the Senate which with its whimsical hearings in aid of political mudslinging has sent the people’s trust ratings in the Senate to an all time low. Soon the time would be ripe for a military rule under the Commander in Chief. What frightens me is when a series of assassination attempts on key figures of society would make it to the police journals and daily broadsheets. Was it only the other day that a woman went past Malacañang security tucking a cal. 45 and admitted to plotting to shoot P-Noy! Wow...I mean that genre of idiotic ploys! All that NO-EL needed is chaos, a deterioration of the institutions and peace and order — a menu for a justification for a martial rule. If this administration with the president as lead is hell bent on running or “ruining” this country at all costs, then there is much to be worried about. But thank God for somebody’s big mouth! Published in Commentary Latest from Larry Faraon Not his mother’s son Selective Sona ‘Bona fide’ A menu before 2016 Usurping the presidency More in this category: « Edinburgh and London grapple over North Sea’s black gold Bakit ang McDo may chicken? » 2 comments jess nazario My take: given the utter incompetence of the Pres people, long before this admin can start the first sentence of PD 1082 (or whatever number) declaring martial law, an insider could have already leaked it to the military and the public. And a pre-emptive preventive action could have rolled out and the culprits arrested. Also, given the loquaciousness (read: lacierdousness) of this admins people no secrets can be held in confidence for more than a minute. Huwag na lang silang magtangka at madadali lang sila ! jess nazario Sunday, 24 August 2014 02:35 Comment Link Inocent Nowhere man PNoy will look for anything to avoid imprisonment after his term.. PNoy knows he committed many illegal and unconstitutional decisions and he will definitely be on the way to jail for harming the citizens of this country He has far abused his position to much and too many. Inocent Saturday, 23 August 2014 20:21 Comment Link Leave a comment Make sure you enter the (*) required information where indicated.Basic HTML code is allowed. Message * Name *
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 02:31:35 +0000

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