Meaningful and deep friendships are a wonderful part of a healthy - TopicsExpress


Meaningful and deep friendships are a wonderful part of a healthy lifestyle.. Sometimes, when we are quite lucky, one of these dear friends grows into best friend. A rare title, a best friend is our alter-ego, born of shared history, shared values, and ten thousand laughs.. Our best friend becomes part of our chosen family — the first person we call to share a joy, the one we call at 2:00 a.m. in times of emergency.. October 28th my best friend, Jordan, died in his sleep.. I was literally laughing with him not too long ago.. The shock still reverberates today and I constantly stumble over the realization that he s gone.. As I try to process his death, I have two recurring thoughts.. The first: We didn t even have a chance talk about this — and we talked about everything.. The second: I have such a long time to live without him around; how do I navigate the years ahead? Strange the things we ruminate on when grief-stricken.. Jordan and I matured into our friendship — connecting first in South Portland High School having many good times together.. Detailing romantic misadventures with each other, processing joys and heartaches over countless cups of coffee.. Volumes of inside jokes conspired to form a language that was all our own. Without him, it seems I am losing this language entirely.. Much of who I am and the way I view the world was developed with him as my sounding board.. He was a bit of me; I was a bit of him.. The investment we had in each other was broad, deep, and intensely personal.. Day by day, I adjust to life without my best friend.. On particularly bad days, I take it moment by moment.. No doubt, Jordan and I had a lot left to learn from each other, but Im glad we had those 15 years.. He will always be partly responsible for the man Ive become — the humor I find in lifes little absurdities, my ear for good music, my ability to see the best in people.. He would have wanted me to write this and would have wanted me to eventually move beyond the grief and embrace new friendships with as much devotion as I embraced ours.. I will see you when I get there in years to come, I love you brother.. RIP Truly yours.. T
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 19:27:45 +0000

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