*Meant To Be Apart* #4 I sit infront of my computer system - TopicsExpress


*Meant To Be Apart* #4 I sit infront of my computer system staring at the monitor. How could I be so rude to her? My mind doesnt register anything right now rather replays the same scene again and again. I groan tossing my spectacles on bed. Why am I so mad and irritated? Maybe because my mind cant register the fact that I hurt a person as nice as her. “Rajveer can you please get ready? We are getting late.” My wife calls out entering the room. “getting late for what?” I ask irritated. “we are going for a party veer” “not we. You are going alone Malika.” “Rajveer we are all going including Ritwik.” “Ritwik wont go with you.” “but Rajveer...” “no more discussion” “Rajveer?” “leave.” “Listen Rajveer, you...” “I say leave Ishika.” “its Malika.” she screams in my face. Our eyes meet for a while. Fize blazes in her gaze. I have never seen her this frustrated before. Ofcourse, I never disagreed to her before. Then whats wrong with me now? “Dad I am ready. Shall we leave?” asks Ritwik standing in my doorway. ******************* “You need another drink sir?” asks a waiter at the bar. It has been twenty minutes since we arrived at the sinhas residence. The only reason I am here is my son. I coudnt have broken his heart. As expected, Malika found her friends and left her husband alone. Ritwik went with some of his schoolmates and host of the party is yet to come. Thus explains my encounter with the bar. Why are these parties so boring? I wonder. “HOD sir?” what? Am I daydreaming? She possibly cant be here. Can she? I look behind just to find her standing in all her glory dressed in a black dress complimenting her fair skin. Her face shines like the moon in the night sky. She has let her hairs loose that end in mild curles, definitely made up. But she no doubt looks gorgeous. “sir, would you care to respond?” Rajveer can you stop acting like a desperate bastard? Focus on her words and not on her looks. “oh! Well I thought, you would never talk to me after how I behaved today. Thats why I am a little surprised.” I say looking away from her. For a while now, I have been tempted not to look at her face, for it takes me to some other world to which I definitely dont belong. “sir, I dont hold any grudges against you.” she says with seriousness in her tone. Her tone has never gotten this serious before. I look at her to know what might have happened to her that caused her tone to get serious. She looks at me in a different me. I cant take my eyes off her. My eyes pierce hers deep. Her eyes are really magical. They do have something that make me wanna lock my eyes with them. I am lost. Lost somewhere. “Rajveer?” Malikas voice falls on my ears dragging me back to this world. I blink instantly breaking the divine eyelock. “who is she?” Malika asks seeing her husband with a girl. “she is Ishika.” I reply. “my student.” I add. “so you are Ishika. My husband likes your name.” Malika says with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Ishika looks blank. Obviously, she doesnt know I called my wife by her name. “Ishika, meet my wife. Malika.” I tell her. “I am married Ishika, so stop looking at me like that with your eyes. They tend to do something to me which I cant afford to have, for I have a wife.” what I exactly meant. “nice to meet you madam.” she smiles. ******************* Everyone has gathered around Mr. Sinha who celebrates his 45th birthday. Ishika happens to be his niece. She lives with him for her parents are no more. He cuts the cake and feeds Ishika. I stand at a distance with my wife, watching them. Funny we. ******************* “wheres Ritwik? We should leave now” I ask Malika who is lost in her friends. “he must be playing. Once he comes, we leave.” I better look for him. I shoot down towards the lawn. I see Ritwik sitting on a bench in the lawn and Miss Ishika sitting beside him. Whats with this girl? “Ritwik?” I call out. Both the heads turn to look at me. “Dad!” He comes running to me. “Dad I hurt my elbow, and this girl helped me.” he says pointing towards Ishika. I walk towards her. “thanks Ishika for helping my son.” I say. “Is he your son?” she asks surprised. I nod before passing a smile to her. “A thanks wont work. You have to give me something.” “what?” “tutions.” I smile. “let me know If you are free at 4 o clock.” I say. “thank you so much sir. I am free. But where?” she looks excited. “in the college.” I reply. “we leave now.” “alright.” “Ritwik say bye to her.” I address my son. “Bye” He says to her. “A bye wont help. Give me a kissie.” She tells him. Ritwik gives her a peck of cheek and we leave. Magical. Thats what she is. .. .. (to be continued) sorry for the late update. Mania.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 14:35:45 +0000

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