Meant to be: Episode 27 Aunty Princess,” she knew that voice - TopicsExpress


Meant to be: Episode 27 Aunty Princess,” she knew that voice anywhere. She turned to see Kike coming out of the store beaming with smiles. “How are you Kike?” she greeted, the last time she saw her was at the library and the girl was looking elegant even prettier than her wicked sister Kenny. “I’m fine oh, you never even bothered to call again ever since I gave you my phone number.” Kike pouted while slinging the shopping bag she carried over her shoulder. “Don’t mind me jawe, when are you going to school?” she asked. “Next month.” Kike replied, “have you seen my sister since you got back?” she asked, the girl was probably unaware that she and Kenny were not in good terms. “No, greet her for me. I’ll talk to you later” Princess smiled and was about to walk away, the mention of Kenny made her feel like throwing up and she knew the smile she wore was a fake one. “Why don’t you greet me personally?” What? Was Kenny eavesdropping all the while? She turned to meet the devil herself standing in front of her. “Our tomboy,” Kenny laughed, “You really are rocking this your lifestyle oh.” she laughed again. Princess wanted to say something but it was as if a rope had been used to tie her throat, she wished she could stand up to this biatch who was always making her feel like shi.t. Even if it would happen just once in her lifetime, she wanted to lash back at her and make her feel terrible too. “Sister Kenny, why are you talking to your friend like this now?” Kike spoke up, “Haba! What’s going on sef? Aunty Princess, I’ll call you later tonight. Bye bye, take care of yourself.” Kike smiled at her and began to walk away from the store. Princess sighted Femi’s car parked across the road, Chuks and Femi were still waiting for her and here she was staring like a zombie. “So you won’t say anything to me uhn?” Kenny persisted, the girl was not ready to give up. “Anyways, one last question before I leave.” Kenny continued, what was she going to say this time? Princess wondered, one thing she knew for sure was that it was not going to be a nice question. Kenny walked upto her and stood directly in front of her, “Its a simple question, don’t get scared now darling. Do you have a boyfriend yet? Have you found ‘true love’?” she asked while making air quotes with her fingers. “No answer for me, awww, na your palava be that oh. I hope I’ll get to see you again before you return to your school sha, odabo tomboy wa (Goodbye our tomboy).” The hot liquid that greeted Princess lips made her realise she was crying. How on earth had they been friends in the past? ——— “Dad explain to me before I run crazy.” she screamed, “enough of the drama already.” “Sit,” her father instructed and took his place besides her. “Okay, can you explain to me now.” she pleaded, “just put me out of this misery, I beg of you baami.” “Abike, do you know Senator Funsho?” he asked while avoiding eye contact. “Of course I do, what has he got to do with this?” she questioned, there was no way she would not know the senator. Her father and senator Funsho had been at loggerheads with each other as far back as she could remember. “Do you know why we are enemies?” he asked again. “Well, I’m guessing it has do with politics. I don’t know the details though.” hearing the sound of her voice sounded weird, how could one voice bear so much sorrow in it. “Well, you are right but our fight started a long time ago before that.” he explained while looking at her in the face this time. She said nothing but merely looked at her father, she was yet to understand how this issue was related to Muyiwa.. Well, Funsho once offered your mum money to jilt me when we were much younger. When she turned him down, he resorted to blackmail and even attacked me with thugs. I was quite poor then and was still struggling with your late mother. It was really a serious issue” What? She had never really gotten to know her mother, but from what her father was telling her, she could see that he had every reason to hate senator Funsho. Blackmail? Bribe? Thugs? She shook her head, she had always thought senator Funsho was only involved in the political life of her father but now it was a surprise to know he had been interested in her late mother as well. She caught her father smiling, “I thank God for the woman I married, she was faithful and things later changed before we lost her. Whenever I see you I remember her,” he smiled again. She knew she was suppose to say something at least to comfort her father but she just found it easier keeping quiet. She held his hands and rubbed her palms against his palms, that way she knew she was at least consoling him. But what made the conversation off was that she did not find any relationship between the story her father just told her and Muyiwa. “Dad,” she spoke out rather quickly. “Yes,” “Erm, I don’t get how what you just explained is related to Muyiwa.” “Abike, if you must know. Muyiwa is Funsho’s first son.” ------- He took a look at his wristwatch, approximately in ten more minutes he would get to his destination. Getting dressed had been a big deal, he had made a big fuss about it that Omoye had jokingly asked if he was going for a job interview. He knew he was not perfect but if he could make his appearance look perfect for his prospective father-in-law, he would do it. A message came into his phone sent by Omoye, *Baby, Don’t get worked up over this. Just remember I love you. Kisses He smiled and started scrolling through the messages they had sent to each other in the past when he came across Sandra’s messages. A pang of guilt hit him really hard, he had not even bothered to call her, scratch that. Truth was he did not know what to tell her over the phone. Thank goodness, she had not bothered calling; as he thought of it, he realised it was weird. Any lady who was supposed to be head over heels in love with a man was supposed to be calling often by now especially after Omoye had picked his call. He alighted from the bus and his mind seemed to be bent on knowing why Sandra had not called. Could it be that she was ill? Did she faint on discovering Omoye picked his call? Women could be overly emotional atimes, or was it possible that she was never interested in him? The person screaming his name from behind was all it took to break into his thoughts. ———– “Wetin happen? You’ve been quiet ever since?” Chuks asked, they were just returning from the gym and Femi had been quiet, simply nodding or smiling sheepishly even when it was not necessary. He smiled again, “I’m fine, my mind is just preoccupied with so much information, thats all.” “Okay oh, just don’t overload your brain sha.” Chuks joked. They kept quiet until they got to their apartment before bidding each other farewells. Femi sat on the settee in his sitting room and cleaned the beads of sweat that had formed on his face, truth was his mind was occupied with so many information. He had spoken to Titi yesterday about Dami and she had simply advised him to go hear her out today while talking to her with patience, meanwhile she had complained about complications. He wondered why she was not scared, she was due for delivery and compliactions arising did not sound like a good thing. Dami on the other hand was like a pot stinking albeit covered, he knew there was a problem but what the problem was, he was yet to find out. Those were family issues and he was supposed to be worried about them, but the matter that got him speechless the entire day was that of Princess’. He could have sworn he saw her crying yesterday in front of the store. He had seen another part of her, he was yet to truly understand her nature. One time she looked playful, jovial, daring and boisterious, he liked it when she was that way. Other times she was reserved as though she was scared to take a risk, he could make do with that personality of hers too. But the timid, terrified and crying Princess he saw yesterday was not something he wanted to witness again. She had quickly cleaned her eyes before coming into the car yesterday acting as though nothing had happened, but he had noticed and that image had simply refused to erase from his head. She had not even followed them to the gym today, he wanted to know who the other lady that made her that way was. He wanted to encourage her to stand and fight for herself, but he knew he could not. She was yet to really know and trust him, he was just getting to know her and asking personal questions would make him look too forward. He did not even have her phone number, else he probably would have called her to know if she was okay. He stood and headed to the bathroom, he still had a mission to accomplish in Unilag. ———- She knocked on her father’s room and greeted him, they were yet to end the conversation they started yesterday. “So you asked him to leave me?” she asked, it was darn obvious. Her father had been the reason Muyiwa had simply abandoned her. “I’m sorry, I thought his father had put him up to it, but Muyiwa never stopped begging to see you. I only forbade him from coming close to you.” he explained. “Dad just stop, how could you ask him to leave me for three years? Why didn’t you tell me all these then baami?” she could feel the tears threatening to flow. She however shook her head, enough of the crying already. “I’m sorry Abike.” he replied, “I did it to protect you.” She laughed hysterically, “protecting me would have been informing me and not taking action into your hands. I really loved him Dad,” the tears were proving adamant this time, “No Dad, you went too far.” He said nothing this time, she tightened her lips together before adding, “three years baami, three good years, and you never mentioned it but yesterday.” She touched her left eye and felt the wet liquid that would probably flow anytime soon. She told herself this was not the time to cry but the time for action. Episode 28
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 20:16:38 +0000

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