Meanwhile, JPAM no longer SG!! Amama has been sent on - TopicsExpress


Meanwhile, JPAM no longer SG!! Amama has been sent on indefinite leave by the NRM CEC. At the meeting at state house, mukula, muhwezi, Amelia , babu, and matayo kyaligonza led the onslaught against JPAM. Matayo took yo the pulpit and started by abusing Jacqueline that she is stupid. Bassaja took offense and tried to shut him up. dont behave like that basajja fumed. Matayo sauntered forward as he abused him, kumanyoko! Kumanyoko! Other members restrained him. He then went for a mineral water bottle, tossed it up twice before he sent it whizzing at bassaja. The jury chaired by M7 sat and decided to send mbabazi on administrative leave. He would attend CEC but would not handle the delegates conference slated for DEC 15th 2014. Dorothy hyuha would organise it. This is when Amelia leapt to her toes and opposed this. She claimed that hyuha could not organise it as she has hitherto been a loyal JPAM cadre. Members quickly shut her down. The all along quiet kirunda kivejinja stood up and told M7 that he was usurping the authority of all organs with his notorious caucus. all organs shd be allowed to do their work the disappointed kk told museveni to his face. Ndugu rugunda stands up and says that JPAM shd be sent to the disciplinary committee just like the rebel MPs were sent. CEC shd not play double standards. Those causing problems shd go. Ndugu said. At this point, JPAM arises, in his calm demeanor , he makes a request inform me about my offense. I have no problem appearing before the disciplinary committee if u tell me what am charged with. Here, his charge sheet is produced where M7 accuses him of failing to control his wife and the ruhindi girls. Lumumba steps forward and testifies that Alice ruhindi is always abusing her, frank and todwong on Facebook. Mike pleads that CEC recommends to the national conference that JPAM be sacked henceforth. He is applauded by Jim and matayo saying that they shed blood for this country. Denis Namara gets up and chides them. He tells them that the youth are tired of hearing stories of the Bush war over and over again, its stale and outdated. Its irrelevant to us. Amelia pounces on him and they are separated. As Amelia throws barbed verbal artillery at him for disrespecting the big wigs making it clear that they had been disrespected by young boys. M7 steps in again, castigating JPAM for not behaving like a revolutionary. there is no power in the presidency. Am just a lobbyist. The real power is with the parliament and the judiciary. I have no real power he then observes that the Nrm constitution was amended to give him power to appoint an SG. As he dismissed the meeting he had a final remark, we revolutionaries do not talk about ambition. I want...I want... you can have ambition but not for the centre of sacrifice. Ambition is reactionary thinking...
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 15:12:43 +0000

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