Meanwhile, as you are celebrating freedom and independence, - TopicsExpress


Meanwhile, as you are celebrating freedom and independence, BILLIONS of animals are held captive and skinned alive for their fur, tormented and killed by trophy hunters, hidden in factory farms, and killed for consumption, captured and forced to entertain, captured and bred, and forced into zoo enclosures, captured and tortured for fun, bred for humans as pets, which is a huge part of animal issues. We never should have domesticated them. Animals are poached for their ivory simply to make necklaces or have an adornment. Also, they are being bred for laboratories that use animals to test products that you use in your hair, on your skin, nails, etc. Also the military uses living animals as targets. Where is there freedom in this? This is nothing but slavery and servitude, and sickening part of human history, and present. We have got to change this. Every living, sentient being deserves the right to live in freedom and comfort and free from harm. This is a fact, but we do not honor this.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 02:29:12 +0000

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