Measuring success in water pollution control Ambient - TopicsExpress


Measuring success in water pollution control Ambient water quality is much used to show progress in water pollution control. The state of the environment is not easy to measure reliably and may be subject to very many factors other than the impact of polluting discharges and those who seek to control them. Even measured trends in water quality do not prove that the pollution control activity is being managed to the best standards of efficiency and effectiveness. So managers may have great difficulty in measuring their success or in correctly attributing change in the environment to their action. On the other hand, owners of pollution control systems, both public and private, make little allowance for scientific scruples in their demands for objective measures of effectiveness. The paper examines the theory behind these contradictions and uses the recent development of performance indicators for environmental management in Hong Kong to consider how theory and practice differ. It concludes that effectiveness is relative, but pollution control managers can help themselves if they integrate into their organizations a constant alertness to fundamental goals. คำศัพท์ Effectiveness = ประสิทธิผล Efficiency = ประสิทธิภาพ Environment = ภาวะสิ่งแวดล้อม Fundamental goals = เป้าหมายพื้นฐาน Goals = เป้าหมาย Information = ข้อมูล Management = การจัดการ Objectives = วัตถุประสงค์ Performance indicators and targets = ตัวชี้วัดประสิทธิภาพและเป้าหมาย Water pollution control = การควบคุมมลพิษทางน้ำ
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 14:15:40 +0000

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