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Media Lens Message Board [ Media Lens Message Board ] Rwanda BBC documentary Posted by The Editors [User Info] on October 2, 2014, 1:05 pm From: Ciaran B Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 11:44 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Rwanda BBC documentary Perhaps you saw the documentary on Rwanda on BBC Two last night. A number of former Kagame associates, and former ICTR investigators were interviewed, claiming that it was in fact Kagame who shot down the Rwandan presidents plane on the 6th of April 1994. It was implied that Louise Arbour covered up, or suppressed, this evidence.There was also an interview with Alan Stam, who claimed that 200,000 Tutsis were killed in 1994, which would mean that if a million people were killed, the vast majority must have been Hutu. I am not in a position to judge whether this is true or not, but what is interesting is that this is mostly the same information, even the same sources, on Rwanda that Edward Herman and David Peterson use in their work on Rwanda. George Monbiot, four years ago accused them of being genocide deniers because of this. I wonder if he will give the BBC similar treatment. The documentary didnt actually mention the words coltan, or cobalt, or any other mineral in eastern Congo, which would have been a good way of balancing, the iphone advertisements that have been presented as news items in recent weeks Ciaran B Re: Rwanda BBC documentary Posted by David Peterson [User Info] [Email User] on October 2, 2014, 4:23 pm, in reply to Rwanda BBC documentary Ciaran: Ill post below something Ive posted elsewhere on the ML Message Board. Powerful critiques also continue to be published (with ours still forthcoming) over the course of 2013-2014. These include: Peter Erlinder, The Accidental Genocide (International Humanitarian Law Institute, 2013). Accompanied by a wealth of documentary evidence from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the archives of the United Nations, this advances Erlinders defense brief in the ICTRs case against his client, the Hutu former Para-Commando chief Aloys Ntabakuze in the so-called Military I trial which, in December 2008, lead the trial chamber to acquit on the central charge against the former government of Rwanda, namely, that they had engaged in a conspiracy to commit genocide against the countrys minority Tutsi population. Robin Philpot, Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa (Baraka Books, 2013). Illustrates and criticizes the myriad of falsehoods (and useful idiots) that that have accompanied the ascent of Kagame Power from the Rwanda Patriotic Fronts initial invasion of the country in October 1990, through its final offensive and seizure of state power in 1994, through its rampages across the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Western intellectual and media establishment. Filip Reyntjens, Political Governance in Post-Genocide Rwanda (Cambridge University Press, 2013). Shows the totalitarian system the dictatorship of Paul Kagame has instituted both within the country and among its obedient diaspora. Theogene Rudasingwa, Healing A Nation: A Testimony (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013). Written by a former Kagame confidante who rose to the rank of Chief of Staff before breaking with the Great Man, provides an insiders account of the real Rwandan Patriotic Front and the real Paul Kagame -- and why Rwanda, Central Africa, and indeed the Western capitals would be better off without. Barrie Collins, Rwanda 1994: They Myth of the Akazu Genocide Conspiracy and Its Consequences (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). Superb point-by-point critique of the lies that enabled the rise of Kagame Power and the descent into falsehoods of historical accounts of the whole process. Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, Enduring Lies: The Rwandan Genocide in the Propaganda System, 20 Years Later (The Real News Books, forthcoming). In the words of ICTR defense counsel Christopher Black (as quoted on the back cover), A brilliant dissection of the Western propaganda System on Rwanda, provides a lie-by-lie critique of the complex of lies -- and chief liars-enforcers -- that comprise and defend the standard model of the Rwandan genocide. David Peterson
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 16:01:18 +0000

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