Media Release 4 June 2013 RMBH declares no confidence in Health - TopicsExpress


Media Release 4 June 2013 RMBH declares no confidence in Health Minister David Davis RMBH led the charge for a delegation from Mildura to meet with supporters from the Australian Nurses Federation (ANF), Health & Community Services Union (HACSU), Health Services Union (HSU), Mildura expats and other concerned people on the steps of parliament house last Thursday to highlight continuing issues surrounding the provision of health services at the Mildura Base Hospital by a private for profit care provider to the Health Minister and the wider community. RMBH met with the Health Minister whilst in Melbourne for the third time in the last seven months, but yet again, we were left wanting. The group still have not received answers to the questions posed about the future of the hospital. Instead, the Health Minister was more intent in avoiding the issue by accusing RMBH and members of the delegation of having a political agenda for wanting Mildura Base Hospital back in public hands, despite the fact that RMBH have worked constructively with his own party, the ALP and the Greens on this matter. Minister Davis’ and the coalition’s position is now clear. They do not care about the wishes of the community of Mildura. He has discovered that the community will not be hoodwinked with shiny data reports and rhetoric. He knows that the community should not have to prove that this model is not working, or that it is detrimental; although there are numerous stories and comparisons to other facilities that can show this. He has shown disrespect for the 700 who people voted unanimously for the hospital’s return to public hands, and the more than 3000 people who signed a petition seeking the same, by attempting to attack the integrity of the RMBH group. This can also be said of our local representative, who has continued to add to the polishing of the current service providers, and ignored the thousands of people of whom he should be representing. Mr Crisp has yet to learn that there can be no polishing this particular nugget. The group have lost confidence in the ability of the Health Minister to be able to provide any answers or outcomes on this matter. This has been highlighted by the fact that the RMBH petition was never presented to Parliament by the Health Minister and that individual complaints and concerns provided by the Mildura community were never provided to senior managers at the Health Department, despite his assurances that both would be acted upon. RMBH have requested that the petition be returned so that we can add signatures that have been collected more recently and identify a more cooperative Member of Parliament who is committed to actually representing the needs of the community by tabling the petition in parliament. The Mildura Rural City Council has asked for parity with other public hospitals. On Thursday 30 May, Minister Davis openly disrespected the Deputy Mayor, an elected representative of our community, by questioning the Deputy Mayor’s political allegiances rather than the concerns of the community that the Deputy Mayor sought to raise. This was a deviant act designed to take the focus of discussion off the questions that Minister Davis can’t or won’t answer. Despite the treatment handed to RMBH by Minister Davis, RMBH were proud to represent the community of Mildura on the steps of Parliament house, and the fight will continue. The recent ANF Election Platform 2013 includes a policy platform to keep public hospitals in public hands, and the ANF are now seeking commitments from all political candidates that any plans to privatise public services are abandoned. RMBH would like to thank the ongoing support that the ANF Victorian Branch have provided and encourage any staff who have concerns to discuss this with their elected organiser from the branch. RMBH would also like to thank the HACSU and the HSU for their support on the steps of Parliament House. Jo Clutterbuck – Chair Reclaim Mildura Base Hospital For further information on the ‘Road Trip to Reclaim the Base’ visit our website reclaimmildurabase or email us at reclaimthebase@hotmail. Media contact: Jo Clutterbuck - 0427 342 263
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 07:52:35 +0000

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