Media and Miracles: When we TRULY witness a miracle how often do - TopicsExpress


Media and Miracles: When we TRULY witness a miracle how often do we give credit where credit is due? How many times do we salute or praise the wrong person when it clearly has God’s hands all over it? There was a man living in Taiwan years ago, who was so much in love with this certain woman that he decided to write to her and tell her. In fact, he wrote her 700 lengthy “love” letters in one year, 62 which included marriage proposals. The letters worked alright, but it wasn’t he who got the praise and won the woman. She married the mailman! And who can forget back in January 2009, when Captain Chelsey “Sulley” Sullenberger safely landed a US Airways Airbus on the Hudson River. The media even tagged the incident as the “Miracle on the Hudson”, and this pilot was praised worldwide for getting all of the 155 passengers and crewmembers out alive. ISN’T THIS JUST LIKE US? For whatever reasons, our world needs a hero and we continual use any excuse to “bow a knee” to some mere mortal being. But it’s our Heavenly Father who sends to us good gifts every day, yet we are so dumb (or blind) that we exalt the mailman or the pilot instead of the True Author of the letter or the “All Knowing” Pilot in Command. The next time God uses someone to do HIS work, and something of a miracle happens, don’t get caught up in the media or the world when they exalt them unrealistically or praise them as a hero. Our goal should be to remember what Jesus did EVERYTIME He performed a miracle—He immediately turned all the attention and work done well back to His Father, giving Him the glory He so richly deserved! Think WDJD… then do that! Our True Hero is our Heavenly Father, ALWAYS and we will bow to Him ONLY.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 15:16:18 +0000

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