Media from Delhi to Washington and Tehran to Riyadh works with - TopicsExpress


Media from Delhi to Washington and Tehran to Riyadh works with bias and pre mindset. When I stepped into journalism in late 90s, I tend to believe everything that I read. But my notions about authentic and unbiased media diminished with every single day I spend in different media houses. The judgmental terminally various news agencies and media institutions use to report events and people, irk me the most. For instance, Indian media always use the term post Godhra riots to describe 2002 carnage in Gujarat apparently justifying the massacre and reminding that it happened after Karsevaks were burnt to death in Sabarmati express. Who can forget the term disputed structure to report about Babri Masjid issue before the demolition of 16th century monument in Ayodhya where Muslims offered prayers for centuries till India attained Independence in late 40s. For international media the Muslim fighters were Mujahideen meaning holy warriors until they served the interests of US. What these warriors termed and how they treated post cold war and 9/11 in midst of war against terror, which left Muslim world bleeding, is there to see for all. Iranian media does not have any problem with movements in Bahrain, Yemen and Saudi Arabia, but for them, all those who are fighting and raising their voice against the regime in Syria and Iraq are Takfiris.(A Takfiri is a Muslim who accuses another Muslim of apostasy.) In the eyes of Saudi Arabia , the members of religious organizations like Muslim Brotherhood are now pursuing the misguided ideologies, though the rulers in Riyadh had nurtured them for decades before 2011 Arab Spring that shook their palaces. We in Urdu media often raise hue and cry about the west imported term islamic terrorism, but we dont leave a single chance to write hindu dahshatgard (hindu terrorist) whenever we come across reports about right wing terror in India. Arent we all hypocrites? Can we hope that someday well have fair media that would leave things on people to judge?
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 09:09:09 +0000

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