Medicinal uses of cinnamon The use of cinnamon for medicinal - TopicsExpress


Medicinal uses of cinnamon The use of cinnamon for medicinal reasons is becoming an increasingly popular natural health practice for several reasons. First of all, it has a wide variety of medical benefits, ten of which will be discussed in this article. Then there is the natural and safe appeal it has to offer. Finally, it is one of the easiest and most delicious ways to incorporate natural health into your diet. Listed below are a few of the main reasons people use cinnamon medicinally. At the end you will find the recommended dose for this great spice. 1. Lowering Blood Sugar If your blood sugar levels aren’t stable, neglecting to monitor them could result in serious consequences. Individuals that have difficulty with their blood sugar levels, particularly diabetics, have used cinnamon because it helps the body respond to insulin more effectively, which encourages healthy blood sugar levels. And indeed cinnamon is one of the 6 best foods to control diabetes which I wrote about in the past. 2. Lowering Cholesterol When you’re levels of low density lipoproteins (LDL) aren’t controlled, you may face major health risks and reduced heart health. Studies have shown that a minimum of 1 gram of cinnamon a day encouraged healthier blood sugar levels amongst type 2 diabetics. You can find more information in my article how to lower cholesterol naturally. 3. Treating Yeast Infections Treating yeast infections is one of the most surprisingly effective medical benefits that comes from cinnamon. Trials have shown that it had the ability to prevent the infection from developing even when it became resistant to medication. Cinnamon oil is the most common way for people to get the best results for this issue. For more natural treatments have a look at my article how to treat yeast infection naturally. 4. Reducing Inflammation There were medical studies done at the University of Texas that tested how well cinnamon could help with diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer. These studies found that the cinnamon actually helped prevent inflammation in brain tissue. This secures a longer and healthier life for your brain. Read here more about the top 5 food and supplements to delay Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. 5. Antioxidant Effects When it comes to the most potent and effective antioxidants in the world, cinnamon actually places in the top seven. The body uses antioxidants to cleanse itself and keep harmful radicals from forming. They also help the cells from every part of your body recover much quicker from damage. Read here more about antioxidants and the best ways to combine then in your daily diet. 6. Anti Bacterial and Anti Fungal When used in oil form, cinnamon has potent anti-bacterial properties and it is a great way to disinfect things in your home when mixed with water. It is also commonly used to fight stubborn fungal infections like athletes foot. 7. Helping Digestion Cinnamon uses the antibacterial properties mentioned above to help infected digestive tracts and promote the healthy breakdown of food. It also has been shown to ease symptoms of bloating, prevent nausea, help digest dairy, and treat diarrhoea. This has been a well-known medical use in Chinese culture for hundreds of years. You may also be interested to read about 11 eating tips for a healthier digestive system. 8. Reducing Pain Cinnamon can effectively keep away prostaglandins, which are receptors that make your neurons more sensitive to pain. The large amount of manganese also helps encourage bone health and prevent pain brought on by arthritis. 9. Reducing Weight Believe it or not cinnamon can also help you achieve your goals with weight loss. It increases the circulation of blood, which leads to a faster metabolic rate. It also keeps hunger at bay by metabolizing sugars and suppressing cravings. Read here more about the top 10 foods to increase your metabolism. 10. Healthy Blood Clotting There has been a lot of medical research surrounding cinnamon’s ability to thin the blood. The studies found that it kept blood platelets from being clumped together, a problem that usually results in serious health issues.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 18:01:36 +0000

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