Medicine + technology = win for humanity. Again. Check this - TopicsExpress


Medicine + technology = win for humanity. Again. Check this out. A guy loses both arms in an electrical accident. In the past, this would mean the man essentially becoming an invalid and a burden to his loved ones. Hard to get a job, put on your own clothes, or make yourself a sandwich. Thats a tough life, folks! Not so in the 21st century, friends. Instead, thanks to technology and modern medicine, he gets new arms he can control with his mind. They hook him up with intelligent prosthetics -- bionic arms -- where the prosthetic monitors the nerves in his shoulder. The bionic arms pick up nerve signals and move the arms accordingly, enabling the man to rotate his arm in the shoulder socket, bend his elbows, rotate his wrists, and even control finger movement. All using just his brain. Isnt this amazing?! The man becomes the very first human being with two shoulder-level bionic arms. I believe this is a great frontier for modern medicine. And Id *love* to work in this space somehow, apply my technological know-how to humanity-improving stuff like this. Technology and medicine FTW!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:02:48 +0000

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