Mediernas rapportering från Israels folkmord i Gaza finns det all - TopicsExpress


Mediernas rapportering från Israels folkmord i Gaza finns det all orsak att kritisera. BBC anses vara världens bästa medieföretag, men inte heller dem kan man lita på. Det är bara att inse att nyhetsprogram mest handlar om propaganda, där det alltid finns dem som vill få oss att se verkligheten från den vinkel de anlägger. Den senaste tidens smutskastning av Ryssland är en sådan mediekampanj, anser jag - utan att för den skull på något sätt ta Putin och hans anhang i försvar. In 1937, with Adolf Hitler in power, Geoffrey Dawson, editor of The Times in London, wrote the following in his diary: I spend my nights in taking out anything which will hurt [German] susceptibilities and in dropping in little things which are intended to soothe them. On 30 July, the BBC offered viewers a masterclass in the Dawson Principle. The diplomatic correspondent of the programme Newsnight, Mark Urban, gave five reasons why the Middle East was in turmoil. None included the historic or contemporary role of the British government. The Cameron governments dispatch of £8 billion worth of arms and military equipment to Israel was airbrushed. Britains massive arms shipment to Saudi Arabia was airbrushed. Britains role in the destruction of Libya was airbrushed. Britains support for the tyranny in Egypt was airbrushed. As for the British invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, they didnt happen, either. The only expert witness on this BBC programme was an academic called Toby Dodge from the London School of Economics. What viewers needed to know was that Dodge had been a special adviser to David Petraeus, the American general largely responsible for the disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan. But this, too, was airbrushed. johnpilger/articles/breaking-the-last-taboo-gaza-and-the-threat-of-world-war
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 10:47:48 +0000

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