Meditates on this : Analysis of Roy Masters Meditation - Pt. - TopicsExpress


Meditates on this : Analysis of Roy Masters Meditation - Pt. 2 Gods Will For This Man - Is For Him To Help Others Find God By Meditation - a form of prayer (in communion with God), or, a process that will help raise ones own conscious self, now dangerously absorbed and submerged into its thinking (not his own thoughts, nor originated from his own true self), to the surface of his mind where he can see and separates those thoughts that are not his from his conscious self, a place where pure understanding and enlightening about your problems and God coming in with His Grace occurs. You simply cannot understand or resolve, your problems from the point of you being involved with them by your own strength, will, and determination. You have found out in the past, that trying to do so causes things to go from bad to worse. Roy Masters also talk about, the soul of man standings in the middle of two worlds: the material (by that he mean in Christian mind-set - the body or the flesh - for a Christian the carnal self), and the spiritual (the inclination and proclivity of mans heart yearning and moving toward truth and God, for a born-again Christian - his spirit) The one to which we respond controls us. Our path of existence depends on our choice in this matter. By not choosing rightly, or not knowing how, we continue responding to a compulsive external tug on our senses (the conditioning Roy Masters called, the Hypnosis of life since our natural birth), which causes us the agony of rebelling against or conforming to what only appears to be right. The Meditation exercise will also show you how to overcome certain reactions to stress. (Actually it is not you doing anything but watch and let Gods grace comes into your life and the experiencing of His Grace in overcoming all your problems and meeting your needs). Through meditation, you will begin to see that all your troubles come from: 1) doubting the truth 2) being ambitious and 3) living out of the emotional upset which results from and perpetuates the first two mistakes. Your failure attempts to deal with symptoms and in compensating for your guilt have only made matter worse. The meditation will also hep you realize that any attempt to rationalize or analyze an emotional complex only adds to the severity of the problem. The meditation is a science of diminishing response to our outer stimulation & programmed conditioning; we starve the roots of unfounded fears, and dissolve the faulty imagination, opening up a whole new world of understanding & enlightenment, then, and only then, do we begin to see Reality! The secret lies in the meditation exercise, a reverse principle to the hypnosis of life! Now, dont be put off by this man saying he is a hypnotist or the word meditation as many Christian in USA does, and without listening to him, straight away passed judgment that Roy Masters is a Cult leader. I feel so sad for them which occasionally pop up in my You-tube channel feedback and messages I received. Watch this video and you tell me if this man is a cult leader or not! https://youtube/watch?v=JpxpzY0nWRg
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 00:43:13 +0000

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