Meditation A Shift in Thinking Changes Your Responses January - TopicsExpress


Meditation A Shift in Thinking Changes Your Responses January 20, 2015 “In this world you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) We are told in the Bible that we are going to encounter troubles, trials and tests, but we also know that God is faithful to His promise to protect and deliver us from the situations that attack our faithfulness to Him. When you allow negative situations to control your thinking, you are inviting those situations to take up a bigger part of your life. If you continue to focus, nonstop, on what someone has done to offend or hurt you, those offenses will begin to dominate your thinking and emotions. You will find yourself focused on how and why you were hurt and how you can respond and get even. Bitterness will begin to gain a stronghold in your mind. You will lose sight of the positive things that are happening in your life. You move away from God and His plan for you. Motivational speaker and author, Les Brown, once said, “Life is a fight for territory. Once you stop fighting for what you want, what you don’t want, takes over.” Life is too short to waste on things you cannot control. Don’t allow negative situations to eat away your time. Each day is valuable, and you have to be dedicated to spending your days following the paths that God has planned. Imagine, if you were home with God, and He opened a big book to show you all of the blessings and abundance you missed because you spent your life focused on the little book of troubles. Learn to think beyond your situations. Keep your focus on God. Trust God to take care of the things that you cannot and should not try to tackle on your own. Believe that God will always make a way. Believe that God will fight the battles against evil. He has the power. Believe that God will change your circumstances. Do not respond to evil. Stay focused on your faith and trust in God. Remain at peace and allow God to quiet the storms that come your way. Focus on your peace, Louise Manigault. Share Inspirations with your family and friends.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 11:40:11 +0000

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