Meditation Moments by Clara Crawford-Milton reverencehimtoday - TopicsExpress


Meditation Moments by Clara Crawford-Milton reverencehimtoday Woe Unto Them! AUGUST 2, 2013 1 The burden which the prophet Habakkuk saw. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? Even cry out to You, “Violence!” And You will not save. 3 Why do You show me iniquity, and cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contention arises. 4 Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore perverse judgment proceeds. Habakkuk 1:1-4 When we read Habakkuk and began to mediate on it, there is so much of today’s society that we see in these scriptures. The Word of God tells us there is nothing new under the sun. Unfortunately, we see so much evil and injustice that it has become commonplace and very few ever complain. The Word of God makes it very clear what God will and will not accept and yet, we find ourselves accepting things that He won’t! How can this be and we profess to be children of God? Children emulate their parents. They have some of their parent’s traits. I am by birth a Crawford and there are some features that no matter what I do the Crawford in me is going to show. There is no way around it. It’s just part of my DNA. Amen! Well the same thing should be said about us and our Father in heaven who created us in His image. Something about us ought to remind others of who we belong to. Habakkuk was concerned because there was so much evil going on around him. There seemed to have been so much injustice that He was trying to figure out if God was looking. Was God aware of all this and just sitting idle? He represented the voice of godly Judah struggling to comprehend the ways of God. That sounds like some of us today. He made it clear when He said our ways are not His ways and neither are our thoughts His thoughts. We understand that! That is not the problem! The problem is that we don’t understand His longsuffering. Amen! If we understood His ways and His thoughts, I am sure that someone(s) would try to overthrow God and His sovereignty. We see people or groups trying to do that now to no avail. Habakkuk complained about the violence that was ever before him. The hearts of the people had become waxed cold. Each man was for himself! There was strife and contention everywhere. There were laws, but it was as if they was powerless. Take one good look around you and tell me what do you see? The laws that we have are not working. Someone always find a loophole. There is so much discrimination on the face of the earth. It’s not just the United States; it’s everywhere. There are many countries that suffer reverse discrimination. If you don’t look like them, you are hated and mistreated for no reason other than your looks. God has been really ministering to me about this lately. If we can’t receive all of our brothers and sisters her, do we really think He is going to allow us to enter into heaven. Now is the time to get it right. He says search your hearts now, while you have time. This is for everyone reading this. He has shown me this over and over. We need to get it right here or we won’t make it to the other side! Then there are those that God has allowed to get into high places and they are doing their own thing. They are reaping havoc and chaos in the lives of everyone they can, just because they can. They have made a conscious decision to do so. Evil powers are rampant across the land. But God says, “Woe unto them.” In verse four. God tells them to just watch. Watch in awe! He was going to do something right in front of them. He was going do something in the days ahead that they will not believe, even if they were told. I don’t know about you, I am waiting on those days in this generation. He will not be silent forever. He described them as a feared and dreaded people. In spite of that, He is going to deal with them, just like He is going to deal with us. People of God don’t think that anything we do in this body will be overlooked by God. Just as He pronounced doom on them, He is going to do the same with us if we choose not to walk in His light. He is a righteous God and will not allow any one of us smear His character and not have to pay the wages of sin. We must be on watch and mindful of everything we say and do in this body. Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing gets past Him! He is and all-knowing and ever present God. He knows all things and sees all things. The sooner we can grasp that with the love of Jesus, the sooner we can walk on this journey as He intended. It is not about us, but about choosing to live a life that pleases God in all we do. 2 Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry, Habakkuk 2:2-3. Habakkuk had this ongoing dialogue with God about the injustice and lawlessness around him. Finally, God gave him a more detail answer. Not only did He instruct him to write it down and watch it come to pass, He also went more in depth to what He was seeing. Since God knows and sees all, He let Habakkuk know that what He was looking at was far grander than what he was complaining about. I know true Believers are spiritually disheartened over the condition of the world today. It’s because we understand the graciousness of our God! It hurts to see others blind to the love that He has for us. When we take our focus off God, this is what happens to us! In order to protect ourselves from the enemy we must stay connected to Him by His Word. There is no other way. You can pray all you want to, but unless you spend time in His Word you don’t really know what to pray for. You don’t even know how to understand His ways, character or attribute. You can’t take on the likeness of Him without finding out what His likeness is. The word is the only way! Don’t get caught up in the things of this world and lose focus on your Creator. Of all things God could say to me, I don’t want to hear Him say, “Woe is Clara.” Continue to Reverence Him with your lifestyle. Amen! Have a blessed weekend!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 17:08:52 +0000

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