Meditation Moments by Clara - TopicsExpress


Meditation Moments by Clara Crawford-Milton clara@reverencehimtoday reverencehimtoday He Keeps On Making A Way! February 3, 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 20 The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen 21 The people I formed for Myself that they may proclaim my praise. Our God is an awesome God! He reigns from heaven above, with wisdom, power and love! Our God is an awesome God! Can you remember being a small child and after having a nightmare and you raced to your parent’s room to find comfort? There was something about them comforting you that gave you that confidence that things would be OK. Even if you had to remain in their bed the remainder of the night, you were able to go back to your bed the next night. They gave you the comfort of knowing that everything would be all right! I am finding that our God is the same way. In fact, He is better. Depending on how my parents felt, they would say a few words and send you right back to your room. I was fortunate that I shared my room with siblings. So when I had a bad dream, I just changed beds. LOL! But God is so wholesome, that no matter what one of His children needs, He is there all the time. Our God is awesome! He doesn’t have grumpy moods; neither does He have an attitude, no matter how many times we come to Him. There are so many little things that He does for us that we fail to acknowledge. I know we are in a busy society, but it would serve us good to periodically meditate on His goodness and all He has done for us. Our minds are so limited that we could never do a comprehensive assessment of His goodness. No matter how hard we try; we will fall short. God was merciful on Israel, even though they were unfaithful. He made a way through the sea for them. He allowed them to see their enemies fall and never rise up against them again. He was doing a new thing in their life. God wanted them to forget the things of the past. The former things had passed away. He wanted them to take their minds off of what they had been through and to focus on who delivered them and the new life He had prepared for them. God is just good! Just like our parents were trying to comfort us in our moments of fear, so was God comforting them and letting them know they no longer had to worry about their enemy. He had wiped them out. It was not because the children of Israel were obedient, because they were not. It was because of His unfailing mercy! In verse 14, God told them He was their Redeemer and would destroy their enemy. Even in the midst of their rebellion, God was making a way! How many times does He do that for us? If we got what we truly deserved or earned because of disobedience, none of us would be standing. The entire human race would be wiped out. God is just that Good! He created us and gives us time after time to get it right. Even in His all-knowing, He still allows us the opportunity to make a choice. God already knows whether or not we will do the right thing. Yet, He patiently gives us time after time. He is so caring and such an awesome provider. Many of us have been unemployed or underemployed most of the year. We are still here! It’s not because of us, but because of His faithfulness. It’s not just a few people suffering, but many. It is shocking to know how many people are sick and being called home. No doubt many reading this can attest to knowing someone in the last few months that have lost a love one or friend. He provides for His creation! Why has God left us here? It is because we still have work to do. That makes me wonder, how many are rising in the morning and asking God what can they do each day to advance the kingdom for His glory. How many lives are we impacting on daily basis? God gives us chance after chance. Even in our passive behavior for the kingdom, He continues to bless us. He continues to make a way for us day in and day out. All He is asking of us it to let the past go, press toward the mark and allow Him to do a new thing in our life. Old things have passed away; behold He is making all things new. Out of all the creatures He made, He made us with the most benefits and we give Him the least amount of praise and glory. We are His chosen people; the animals, wild and tamed honor Him. Just like He provides the wasteland, streams and food for them and they praise Him; He does the same for us and we forget to give Him the glory. He clothes us with the ability to make decisions and we fail to give Him glory. No matter what is going on in our life, we should take a moment each day and acknowledge all His benefits toward us. He keeps on making a way for us! He keeps on making a way! He keeps on opening doors that no man can open. He also closes doors that need to be closed, for our good. Reverence Him Today and forevermore!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 03:53:17 +0000

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