Meditation Scripture Mat 14: 29-30 - And he said, Come. And - TopicsExpress


Meditation Scripture Mat 14: 29-30 - And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. Be not afraid of Christ. Now that you know it is he which calleth you, for you know he mean you no hurt. Christ will not be a terror to those to whom he manifests himself to; when they come to understand him aright, the terror will be over. Be not afraid of the tempest (storms of life), of the winds and waves (highs and lows of distress), though noisy and very threatening (tongues of men); fear them not, while I am so close to you. Christ is concerned about you, and will not stand by and see you perish. We must be bold and courageous as Peter; we must get out of the boat and leave some people behind to come to Christ. For He desires that we come to him. His grace and power will uphold us in the hardest of times. When will we ask Christ that we may come to him. Let me come to thee, no matter how. True love will break through fire and water, if duly called to it, to come to Christ. Christ was coming to them, to support and deliver them. When Christ is coming towards us in a way of mercy, we must go forth to meet him in a way of duty; and herein we must be willing and bold to venture with him, and venture for him. Those that would have benefit by Christ as a Saviour, must thus by faith come to him. For a small amount, Christ has removed himself from his people, in that his returns will be welcomed, and most affectionately embraced when he returns, when gracious souls, after long seeking, find their Beloved at last, they hold him, and will not let him go (Son 3:4). If it be thou, I will come; but If it be thou, bid me come. The boldest spirits (believers) must wait for a call into hazardous enterprises, and we must not rashly and presumptuously thrust ourselves upon them. Our will to services and sufferings is interpreted, not willingness, but willfulness, if it have not a regard to the will of Christ, and be not regulated by his call and command. Wisdom is profitable to direct. To quit the safety of the ship (religious traditions), and throw himself into the jaws of death (mysteries of the unknown), to despise the threatening waves (talk of the people) we so lately dreaded, argued a very strong dependence upon the power and word of Christ. What difficulty or danger could stand before such a faith and such zeal? The gospel call is, “Come, come, to Christ; venture all in his hand, and commit the keeping of your souls to him; venture through a stormy sea, a troublesome world, to Yashiya Christ. Through the strength of Christ we are borne up above the world, enabled to trample upon it, kept from sinking into it, from being overwhelmed by it, obtain a victory over it (1 Jhn 4), by faith in Christs victory (Jhn 16:33). Peter walked upon the water, not for diversion or display, but to go to Christ and he was thus wonderfully borne up. Remember, the main thought is he got out of the boat on faith and left the norm, to go to Christ.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:49:27 +0000

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