Meditation brings Manifestation The bible says a good man out - TopicsExpress


Meditation brings Manifestation The bible says a good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure of the heart brings forth evil things. The word treasure can be translated deposits. In other words whatever you deposit, you will have as your treasure. It is similar to making a bank deposit, if you put it in, you can take it out. The bible tells us with the heart man believes (not with the head) and as a man thinks in his heart so is he. So, from this passage we glean that a persons mind is the gateway to his heart. And as soon as you begin to meditate (mutter, muse or ponder) words they are released into the heart (soil). Therefore we must guard our hearts, because the heart is designed to produce whatever you deposit into it. The Word tells us, keep your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life. The Word issue can be translated borders or boundaries. So, when you have a thought you are just words away from creating the wall, the border or the boundary of how far you can go. If you say, based on what you been thinking that it will not work out for me, they will never hire someone like me, you are building the border in your belief system which limits your potential. However, if you can meditate on scripture and stagger not and believe God is able to do exactly what he promises in His Word, you will let down the borders of your potential and you will enter into another dimension of possibility. The Word takes you beyond what is possible in the natural. You see, its not on the outside thats stopping you, its whats on the inside. But if you can make a few minor adjustments and change what you are depositing on the inside, you will begin to change what is happening for you on the outside. Wow, thats powerful. But this takes discipline. You must be a doer of the Word. Not just talk about it (thats nothing but dead religion). I hear so many people, who leave powerful teaching sessions and as soon as they open their mouth they start speaking about all the problems. THEY ARE RELIGIOUS. They are deceiving themselves because they do not practice the Word. The bible says, if an evil thought come to your mind, put your hand over your mouth. Why? Because, If I had faith as the grain of a mustard SEED, I would SAY. SAYING is the instrument used for planting. Words are seed and thats what we are growing! Good or Bad!! Hence, the problem is right under our nose. That big hole in our face. Put a sock in it!!! The tongue is a deadly poison, a world of iniquity if not managed. It starts with what we allow ourselves to hear and secondly what we decide to SAY. A good man out of the GOOD treasure of the heart brings forth GOOD THINGS. Notice, What THINGS soever you desire when you pray BELEIVE (with the heart man believes) you receive them and you shall have them. What are you depositing in your heart? So, meditate the Word, because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak. This is a spiritual law.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 15:27:40 +0000

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