Meditation for August 28, 2014 Meditation: 1 Corinthians - TopicsExpress


Meditation for August 28, 2014 Meditation: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church You are not lacking in any spiritual gift. (1 Corinthians 1:7) Scientists tell us that DNA is the master plan behind every living organism—including ourselves. This one tiny molecule holds all the data that determines a person’s gender, eye color, height, susceptibility to various diseases, and, according to some researchers, parts of the individual’s personality. In a number of ways, DNA is what makes us—us. It’s all there ready to burst out. We have no control over it, but in God’s perfect plan, it comes out at just the right moment. Did you know that you also have a spiritual DNA? Scripture tells us that God “has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens … before the foundation of the world” (Ephesians 1:3, 4). That’s you! You have every heavenly grace you will ever need. It’s all there, inside of you, ready to burst out at just the right moment. Grace to say no to temptation? It’s already there. Grace to share your faith? That too! What about the grace to love someone who gets on your nerves? Yes, even that! What’s more, you have the Holy Spirit at work in your heart, cultivating it so that all these spiritual gifts can have the greatest effect possible. So why don’t we always see this grace active in us? It could be because we’re too busy. It could be because we’re not used to looking for grace. But another key reason may be that we are used to focusing on our failings and weaknesses more than on the grace that is in us. But even when we lose sight of our great potential, God doesn’t! Like any good architect, he knows exactly how he built us, and he longs to see us use every tool he has given us. Today, make it a point to repeat this statement over and over: “I am loved by God. He has a perfect plan for my life. He has equipped me for every challenge I may face. I am fearfully, wonderfully made!” Never forget that God sees your potential. Never forget that his Son gave up his life so that you can become the you he created you to be! “Thank you, Father, for all the grace and blessings you have given me. Teach me how to open these mighty gifts and use them for your glory.” Psalm 145:2-7; Matthew 24:42-51
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:22:24 +0000

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