Meditation for beginners: As a meditation practitioner and - TopicsExpress


Meditation for beginners: As a meditation practitioner and instructor I must express the health benefits and importance of conscious breathing. It is one of the major processes obviously to sustain the body, but it can also be a very valuable tool for conscious thinking when attempting to quiet the mind and preparing to enter a meditative state. Focusing on your breath is one of the easiest methods for beginners to focus themselves into relaxation and to empty the mind of thoughts and clutter. Lots of people have problems with this when they first start out, but no worries it becomes easier and more of a natural occurrence when meditating. I always make the recommendation that you take a few minutes several times a day to sit and focus on your breath. Overtime this will make it easier to relax and clear your mind for longer periods of time. For more advanced meditation practitioners the art of diaphragmatic breathing or prana yama(breath of fire, breath of ocean, or the root block) and many more are practiced. For more info on the subject please inquire on this page Blissfull Thinking on FACEBOOK or email Wilfredo Espada Jr. :ablissfullthought@gmail For beginners when we practice conscious breathing it is also a good time to implement positive affirmations. When you focus on your breath and clear your mind the brain is in a very receptive state. You are at a different level of consciousness that allows you to touch the true source of what you are. This is a perfect time to communicate your affirmations which will eventually become your beliefs. Changing your beliefs to align with your wants and desires will ultimately lead you to effect the changes in your daily patterns to create the results that are necessary for those wants and desires to become reality. The affirmations and video shared is a great place to start. Try listening to this whenever you get the chance. Everyday would be good but at least a few times a week. Also setting intention for healing or enlightenment or knowledge are great tools for aquiring the information you seek. happy meditating lights love you all God bless and namaste om shanti shanti shanti the invocation for peace and prosperity I bow to the light in you. The time now is to discover that light within you!!!!! -wilfredo espada jr.Espadasbliss
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 02:24:45 +0000

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