Meditation for the day: John 1:36-51 “Can anything good come out - TopicsExpress


Meditation for the day: John 1:36-51 “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46) Have you ever had a lackluster first impression of someone who later became a very close friend? Somehow your eyes were opened to see the treasure within. At first Nathanael, better known as the Apostle Bartholomew, was less than impressed with the rural carpenter Philip wanted to introduce him to. He couldn’t imagine that the Messiah would come from such an insignificant town as Nazareth. But Jesus’ insight into Nathanael’s character melted his resistance. “Here is a true Israelite. There is no duplicity in him” (John 1:47). Jesus’ supernatural knowledge allowed Nathanael to see that this fellow was worth another look. Jesus told Nathanael, “I saw you under the fig tree” (John 1:48). In Hebrew tradition, rabbis used to study the holy texts under the shade of a fig tree. It’s as if Jesus were saying that he knew Nathanael was pondering the Scriptures, maybe even praying in anticipation of the Messiah. To Nathanael’s credit, when Jesus revealed himself he didn’t cling to his own expectations of how this Messiah would appear. Instead, he opened himself up to the possibility that there was much more to Jesus than met the eye: “Rabbi,” he said, “you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel” (1:49). Occasionally, Jesus will break through our own expectations and show us something glorious about himself, another person, or even ourselves. Perhaps our co-worker shows real signs of holiness we had never seen before. Perhaps we catch a glimpse of the kind of person Jesus intends for us to be as we follow him. Or maybe we see Jesus in a new light as not only our judge but also our friend and companion. When something like this happens, don’t dismiss it! God is trying to expand your vision. He wants to open your eyes to his presence, his goodness, and his grace. It’s all around you, just as the angels were all around Nathanael. Instead, open your eyes. Open your heart. Let Jesus’ veiled majesty move you, just as it moved Nathanael, to spread the news that Jesus is the Messiah. “Come Holy Spirit, open my eyes to the glory of God that is all around me. Help me to see Jesus with the eyes of faith so that I can become his witness.”
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 09:10:21 +0000

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