Meditation from Mary Magdeleine Take a deep breath in, exhaling - TopicsExpress


Meditation from Mary Magdeleine Take a deep breath in, exhaling fully. Imagine yourself now back in your physical form walking through this magnificent forest until you find yourself in a beautiful crystal garden, waterfall cascading down around you, the beauty of nature speaking to you reminding you of your connection and your oneness with it. In the centre of this garden is a clearing with a crystal disc and you are asked to place yourself, seated, upon this crystal disc. The Grand Council of Authentic Ones now enter this garden and they stand around you welcoming you into the dimensions occupied by the hierarchies of light, wisdom and truth. They congratulate you on how far you have come, how much you have achieved and they reveal to you the depth of their love for you. The Grand Council of Authentic Ones are the Masters who have walked the human pathway on many occasions and chose the Pathway of the Authentic Ones, mastering the world, and now work in service to ensure those souls who have chosen the Pathway of the Authentic Ones reach their goal, and at the same time clear the way for others souls to follow. I want you now to imagine your personal guides and your Guardian Angel standing with you in this garden. The crystal disc upon which you are seated now lights up, this light moves up your spine and it moves through your crown chakra igniting a beautiful aura of bright light all around you. In front of you is a magnificent golden eagle, to the right of this eagle is the golden serpent and to the left a golden lion. These three creatures represent the symbols of the new power to come. The serpent, golden serpent, represents the new powers of healing, the eagle represents the new powers of vision and the lion represents the new powers of the voices of truth. The eagle stands in front of you now, the lion walks to rest its body against your back and the serpent comes to rest coiled up next to you on your left hand side. To the right I want you to call upon one of your own totem animals to take its place there. These animals also represent the four directions of light and love, wisdom and truth which are contained inside of you. Their presence is initiating an alchemical process inside of your body. Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully and allow yourself to connect with their energies and listen to what they have to tell you. If there are no words be aware of how you feel, what thoughts are running through your mind, what visions or even memories come to mind? The Grand Council of Authentic Ones now activate the seven Air Gates. As the wings of the Air Gates spread open their light shines upon you, and as always the whisper of the wind coming from them caresses your energy bodies making way for new light, new wisdom and new energy. The element of air asks you to work with the pure intention of thought, pure intention of vision and to merge with the higher mind of Father God and Mother Goddess. The animals which surround you now open their chakras to you releasing the ancient wisdom of their symbolism into your conscious mind. Imagine these energies penetrating your mind flowing into the structure of your brain, finding its way to those areas inside of your brain which are ready to be activated, which will help you to fully feel the truth of what nature is ready to tell you and to show you. Nature has released the signal to all of life that the great change has come, it has begun. This message from nature has sent out another powerful calling, the calling to the guardians of the Earth, the sacred souls of light and love who returned to the Earth to ensure that this vital time of change be held within the Holy Grail, the Cup of Life, and that that which materialises, that which has been called "the end of days" be the beginning of a magnificent new era, an era which represents the light, the wisdom, the truth and love of Heaven. You are all manifesting the dream, you are the group of souls known as the Authentic Ones in human form who have chosen the pathway to move heaven and earth so to speak, to gather together at this time as an almighty group of humans, of consciousness, of intention and vision and to ensure a whole different outcome. Take a deep breath in, exhaling fully. As the light and energy of the crystal disc beneath you begins to increase its energy, you feel the vibrations moving up your spine. Imagine the cells of your body beginning to vibrate and this vibration emits a sound, the animals around you respond to this sound and they answer, and these combined vibrations and sounds move through the Air Gates and move into the entire field of Mother Earth’s body. This is the sound, the call to service, the voice of Mother/Father God commanding all souls of light to awaken, to come now, to gather together, to walk and to work together. With these energies coursing through your body and reverberating through all the dimension, the Portals of Evolution open. This creates the tear we have spoken of in the fabric of the old paradigm and the heartbeat of these portals are now activated in Brussels, see it moving through to Zimbabwe, to Cambodia, touching the Crystal Heart in Cairo, the Crystal Hearts of St Petersburg and Moscow and moving to Turkey. Take a deep breath in as you feel all these energies culminate in your heart chakra, and as you breathe out the energies move in every direction making their way to the heart of Mt Sinai and merging with the Emerald Egg of divine wisdom and truth in that place, and this is where the origins of truth, the voice and the sound, the wisdom and the light of Mother/Father God will be resurrected at. Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully, as the Grand Council of Authentic Ones now come right up to you, the animals make way for them. Each of these beings now lay hands upon your body and you feel, or imagine, great rushes of energy coursing through your chakras once again penetrating the cells of your body into the DNA, into the molecules and into the atoms. Continue to breathe in and exhale for as their energies combine around you the frequencies that are being emitted are touching the geographic locations of today’s activation, the Portals of Evolution are being birthed in your heart chakra and the light of Father/Mother God pour down upon you - this powerful baptism of light releasing you from the aspects of the old paradigm that still govern you through your subconscious mind. Breathe in and relax. Know that these energies are there to support you, as they increase you are now shown two pathways crossing and where they cross a magnificent light explodes, and in the centre of this explosion is a doorway. I want you to see yourself connecting, through your third eye, to this doorway. This is the doorway to the future, beyond that doorway is the world which the prophets of ancient times have spoken of, and there is the pathway to a different outcome, and this is why in many cases some of the prophecies have contradicted themselves, proof that more than one outcome already exists, therefore you are not having to create that reality for it exists already, all you are doing, precious ones, is moving the focus to that outcome, aligning consciousness to flow along the pathway that shall lead all to the outcome of the other world, not the world experiencing death, destruction, pain and suffering. In your mind’s eye now I want you to see both of these roads, both of these pathways leading to two different outcomes. I want you to feel these energies coursing through your body, running along this pathway and now through this doorway and along the pathway to the outcome of peace and harmony. With all your energy, with all your strength and your might drive these energies along that pathway strengthening the light, strengthening the current of energy that shall draw the collective consciousness up along that current. Use your heart, your mind, your intention, your vision and your power to magnetize that pathway, for as it is magnified more souls will be drawn to it. Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully, as the baptism of light now increases in its downpour upon you. This light is penetrating the cells of your brain creating pathways of communication with the other worlds and reviving those parts of your brain which have been dormant for the entirety of your current lifetime. So you move beyond the 10% or so that humanity utilises on average and you are moving beyond those paradigms, you are moving beyond the obsolete and the ridiculous, you are drawing that magnetic energy motivating souls to take back their power in a whole new way, you are drawing that into the collective consciousness. Take a deep breath in now and as you exhale magnetise and amplify that energy, feel it moving through space and time, through Mother Earth’s body, into her chakras merging with the Portals of Evolution in Brussels, Zimbabwe and Cambodia, moving it through to Cairo, St Petersburg and Moscow, through to Turkey and through to Mt. Sinai and a magnificent grid of magnetic energy is activated, and those energies now extend billions of filaments of light and energy out to the rest of the world spreading that light, that magnetic energy into every atom of Mother Earth’s body, merging with the fabric of the New World, which each of you are choosing to align your consciousness with, which each of you are choosing to have as your reality. Remember you do not have to create it, it already exists, all you need do is move toward it. Take another deep breath in exhaling fully, as the Grand Council now stand up moving back, the animals coming to you again. This time the golden eagle settles itself upon your crown chakra. The lion now lies in the front of your body and the golden serpent coils itself at the base of your spine and the totem animal which you have chosen to be with you now rests itself on your lap. Focus on their energies, feel the warmth of their bodies, the vibrations of their energies. Feel their heartbeats, their breath, feel the movement of their power merging with yours. Surrender and relax as this next phase of divinity becomes one with you. The Air Gates are now fully activated in your energy field. The Grand Council of Authentic Ones indicate that the baptism of light is now complete and the Portals of Evolution have opened and you have reached in and accessed one of the deepest recesses of your Almighty Self, and the process of reclaiming the important piece of your soul’s collective puzzle is initiated. Breathe in deeply, relaxing as you exhale. As the light from the crystal grid beneath you now merges with your spine and is absorbed into the cells of your body becoming one with you. The energies of the four animals with you also unite their light with yours. Give thanks for this. Ensure that you maintain your connection to that doorway knowing which pathway you have chosen. In your meditations or in your quiet time take at least ten minutes out of your day to magnetize the energy on that pathway imaging all souls who are ready to awaken choosing the reality of peace which already exists. Share this information with others, let them know that there is no need to create a new future, all they need do is choose to focus their intentions on that future which already exists. The Grand Council of Authentic Ones now greet you, thanking you for making your choice to receive the baptism of life. The Air Gates have merged with your chakras. The elements of nature thank you and now it is your turn to give thanks. Gently begin to draw your consciousness back into your physical body. Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully, drawing your energy into your body, extending it into the core of Mother Earth’s body grounding you and bringing you back. Place the palms of your hands upon the floor. Give thanks to Mother Earth for her service,for her support and for her light, her love. Stretch your arms, stretch your legs, straighten your spine and ensure that you are fully grounded back in your body. Take another deep breath in, exhale fully and know that you are still connected to all the energies that were activated.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 11:02:17 +0000

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