Meditation – The Inner Preparation Before entering the stage, - TopicsExpress


Meditation – The Inner Preparation Before entering the stage, the musician not only dresses in his best clothes, ensures that the stage is well set, the light and sound are fine and the instruments are well tuned, but also mentally prepares himself for the show. Similarly, once the outer preparation of place, seat, posture and so on are done, the meditator must do some inner fine-tuning. (1) No Expectation (nirāśī): The anxiety to achieve, the expectation of extraordinary experiences like hearing divine sounds or seeing divine light, the wish to be recognised as a meditator or the dreams of attaining extraordinary powers (siddhis) and state of absorption (samādhi) – all take our mind into the future, distract and agitate us or make us extroverted. We should therefore sit with no expectations. (2) No Hoarding (aparigraha): Some carry a load of collected information, scholastic arguments, undigested knowledge and self-centred opinions onto the meditation seat. Such vicarious knowledge prevents direct Realisation of the Truth. (3) Calm Mind (praśāntātmā): An agitated mind cannot meditate. Only a relatively peaceful mind can experience deeper peace in meditation. Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda was once asked, “What is the best time for meditation?” He replied, “When your mind is calm and alert.” The external preparations like posture help to quieten the mind. It can be further quietened by repetition of a mantra or observation of the breath. (4) Fearless (vigatabhī): The meditator’s mind is often riddled with worldly fears like, “Will my dear ones leave me?” or “What will happen to my family if I go into a state of absorption (samādhi)?” Many also fear solitude, losing one’s identity in meditation, or losing body consciousness. Such fears are distracting and should be renounced. (5) Renounce other Identities (brahmacāri-vrata): If an officer, father, or professional sits for meditation, he meditates on his office, son, or profession respectively. It is important that we renounce all other identification and sit for meditation only as seekers of Truth. (6) God-minded (mat-citta): Our mind naturally gravitates towards the object it loves. The money-minded think of money all the time. Love for God alone will keep our mind focused in meditation. To increase our devotion we should meditate on the form and qualities of God (iṣṭa-dhyāna), mentally worship God (mānasika-pūjā), repeat the name of the Lord (mānasika-japa), prostrate (surrender) and pray to the Lord and the Guru invoking their grace and blessings (sva-guruṁ praṇamya). (7) Supreme Respect (mat-para): We may not always love what we respect or respect whom we love. A man may love his children but respects his boss, whom he may not love much. The intellect respects what it values. The one who values money, respects the rich. In meditation we must realise God alone as the Supreme, only then will we value and respect Him and consider meditation important in our life. The thought of other important people or tasks will not allow us to focus on God and meditation. Some people are busy making mental to-do lists whilst on the seat of meditation! (8) Regularity (satatam): Regularity in practice is the key to success in mastering any skill, more so for meditation. Therefore, meditation should be made part of our daily routine like eating and bathing. Some regularly meditate, once every six months! (9) Determination (niścaya): Some think about meditation, some intend to meditate, some decide to meditate but only a few are determined to meditate. Only the one who is determined succeeds despite obstacle. (10) Enthusiasm (anirviṇṇacetas): Some have the will, but lack enthusiasm. A disinterested and reluctant meditator will not be able to sustain his practice. Some are initially very eager, but later their practice becomes mechanical and unenthusiastic. The meditator should have undiminished enthusiasm each day to meet his beloved Self in meditation. ~ From the Bhagavad Gita Course, Lesson 10
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 05:47:33 +0000

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