Meekness takes Strength! The world looks at those who do not - TopicsExpress


Meekness takes Strength! The world looks at those who do not fight back those who do not react quickly as unsure of themselves and weak in many situations. As Christians we fight a different battle, one with patience, not of flesh and blood against brothers and sisters, those we are called to love, but against principalities and powers and against our own egos. The world with its commercialism thrives on inflating the self and encouraging poor behavior in ourselves, our relationships with each other and the environment at large. Christ encourages us to take up His yoke and learn from Him for He is meek and lowly in heart and there we will find rest for our souls. (Matthew 11:29) Let us learn from the Lord this day on what it means to be meek when the world says be strong and really they mean be reactionary. Meekness is a mind consistent amid honor and dishonor. Do we get offended when were criticized or spoken poorly of? Do we like it when we are praised and told how good we are? That is the absence of meekness. Some people bother us we get annoyed when we are cut off in traffic, meekness as St. John Climacus writes in the Ladder of Divine Accent, Meekness consists in praying quietly and sincerely for a troublesome neighbor. Meekness is a rock overlooking the sea of anger, which breaks all the waves that dash against it yet remains completely unmoved..... Meekness means being nonreactive... Listen to what a person is saying rather than reacting to what a person is saying... Meekness is a calm consistency in our hearts no matter how someone treats us, notice meekness is related to gentleness, it is the cure for anger and irritability, notice how much strength it takes to be gentle, real meekness takes strength to be patient when you are insulted, rather than react and to be courageous when you are afraid to speak up. That is the other aspect of meekness if we need to stand up to say something even though we are scared we are not going to react out of fear but we are going to speak the truth in love, thats meekness... the absence of a need to defend ourselves or convince other when bad things are said about us. Give this link a listen as Fr. Evan Armatas shares how we can live in Christ in the Home. :) Blessed new day everyone!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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