Meet Christina: when i got pregnant with my first son I weighed - TopicsExpress


Meet Christina: when i got pregnant with my first son I weighed 170 lbs. i gained 28 lbs during pregnancy and after while breast feeding i got down to 155 lbs. that is what i weighed in this picture. started watching what i ate and lost maybe 5 lbs. then i got pregnant with my twins. i gained 28 lbs with them which brought me to 178! my eldest was 2 1/2 when i had my twins. i went to 37 weeks and they weighed 6lb 10 oz and 6 lb 1oz. i breast fed them and got down to 140 lbs! yay plus chasing a 2 1/2 year old helped also. Well i told myself never again will i be that heavy! got into working out. took the twins and my toddler for walks everyday. pulling them in a wagon. got up to 3 miles a day and my road is hills! didnt know i was dropping weight like down to 130 lbs. size 6! kept it off for 3 years after found out my nephew was dying of cancer, got super busy with going to see him and helping my sister that i didnt know i dropped 5 more pounds until my brothers got worried about me, plus i wasnt having a period. which is unusual for me unless im pregnant. i couldnt be pregnant because my kids were through IVF, we had problems getting pregnant until in found a wonderful doctor....11 years of marriage later and 31. so we took a test just in case and it was negative so we just thought it was stress. my nephew dyed in May 2009 i still had no period in June so made an appointment with doctor July 1. it came back positive! Never in my dreams because we were told it would never happen naturally and we were going on 17 years of marriage and i was 38! well I gained 40 Lbs! OMG!!!! after the baby i got back down to 150. been struggling since with those last 20 lbs until skinny fiber!!! I am proud to say that i am 135 lbs and still losing. i am back in a size 6! You will love it- you can order here! lorir.eatlesswithskinnyfiber/
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 01:16:18 +0000

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