Meet Janet! Hello Everyone! My name is Janet Pitts. I’m a - TopicsExpress


Meet Janet! Hello Everyone! My name is Janet Pitts. I’m a wife and stay-at-home mother of 5 from Normandy Park, WA. The most noticeable thing about me is I’m six foot tall. Until this past year on Omnitrition, you would have also noticed that I was extremely overweight. All the while I would be hoping you wouldn’t notice me at all. However, I weighed 375lbs and was hard to miss. I felt like I could be playing for the Seahawks. I was unhappy, discouraged, and depressed and on my way to some serious health problems. I had been overweight for years and each time I was successful at losing a significant amount of weight, I would gain it back plus more. I had given up and just wanted to live under my rock. I stayed home as much as I could. However I kept hoping and praying and my WHY appeared. My cousin, Nickie, invited me to an all-expense paid trip to Brazil. Who turns down a free trip to Brazil? I wanted to. I was worried about fitting in the airplane seat and going to the beach in a swimming suit made by Omar the tentmaker. Although I could just steel myself and ask for the seatbelt extender—that embarrassment is only temporary. I had a real fear about the plane seat. When I went to my oldest daughter’s college graduation in Key Arena in June of 2012, after the prayer of invocation, I went to sit down and my rear wouldn’t fit in the seat between the armrests. I had to go sit in the handicapped section. I didn’t want my fat spilling over onto some unknown person in the plane. Or worse yet be asked to purchase an additional airplane seat. The good news was I had a year’s advance notice for the Brazil trip. So for three months I did nothing. Then in June of 2013 I totally got rid of the junk food in my diet. Over the next 3 months, I lost 25 lbs. Then I stalled for 2 months. I was eating healthy and I couldn’t lose another pound. It was now October. Brazil was 4 months away and I was starting to panic. Thank Heavens along came Omnitrition. After hearing about it and the success people had, I wanted to do it; But when my distributor shared with me, I was afraid I’d fail, and I told her I would just continue doing what I was already doing. Immediately a Dr. Phil-like voice went off in my head—and how’s that working for you? I ran to a product meeting on my own and a few days later jumped in whole hog. I started the Omni-drop program on October 23rd 2013. By February I had lost enough to make the trip to Brazil. I had a new swim suit and a new confidence that I could do it. Exactly one year later, I’ve lost 158 pounds in 6 rounds, consisting of 212 dropping days, which adds up to a total loss of 183 pounds. (Four and a half pounds more to go and I will have lost half my original body weight Omnitrition was the key that unlocked the door to my prison of obesity. I’ve got my happy and healthy Janet back. I hadn’t really seen her much in the past 30 years. In June of 2013 I had a do-over at Key arena at my daughter-in-law’s graduation from the same university. This time my rear-end fit in the seat easily. I took a picture of that seat and posted it on the Omni-Rocks Facebook page. I was so proud of my accomplishment.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 21:27:08 +0000

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