Meet Octobers Client of the Month, Jennifer Heady!!!! We are - TopicsExpress


Meet Octobers Client of the Month, Jennifer Heady!!!! We are soooo proud of u Jen!!!! Please take a moment and read Jens inspirational story!! She is truly amazing!! Thank u Jen for sharing your journey with us!...... About a year ago, I had a prayer answered. And this answered prayer literally has changed my life (as you can see from my pictures). About 3 years ago, I went through some life changing events. I know everyone deals with stress and challenges differently, but these struggles took a toll on me physically. I gained weight and also was experiencing a lot of pain and discomfort. I felt tired ALL the time - no energy ... I couldnt figure out what was wrong. I changed my diet. I started to exercise. I felt worse. I went to the doctor and then was sent to another and then a specialist and then a surgeon. After multiple tests, they finally suggested that I try a Low FODMAP diet that sometimes helps those with IBS. I also found out that my intestines were completely reversed, which complicated my symptoms. Most times, I was unable to stand completely straight. So, as I was trying the new diet I knew I needed some help to strengthen my core and generally improve my health. During this time, my prayer was for God to help me feel better. At a birthday party, I ran into Angie and I had heard her talk about her new studio. I had taken her classes at the YMCA, so I was happy to know about her new venture and that she was doing personal training. Without much thought at the time, I told Angie what I had been experiencing and asked her to help. Well ... theres the answer prayer. A year ago I couldnt do much more than a sit up or a push up. This was more than a little disheartening to say the least. She didnt judge, she just encouraged and inspired. Both are gifts of hers, by the way. She came up with a program for me that has corrected imbalances, strengthened my whole body, and renewed my spirit. It wasnt about the weight nor has it ever been. Its been about being fit. I have to say its been a lot of hard work - on both of our parts, but I am so thankful for her guidance and support. I feel like a completely different person, who can do a whole lot more than just one push up. Im still a work in progress, but Im up for the continued challenge. Its been a little over a year. Who knows what Ill be able to do in another year, right? Im proud to tell anyone who asks how Ive lost weight or why I look different (even taller), or why I look younger (thats my favorite since Im 42) that Angie is my personal trainer and friend and that she has a gem of a studio called Get Fit. And, if you want to get in shape, have an awesome workout, and hang out with some pretty amazing people, then you should come check it out.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 12:03:47 +0000

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