Meet PRESTON NEUTERED MALE- American Staffordshire Mix. Approx: 3 - TopicsExpress


Meet PRESTON NEUTERED MALE- American Staffordshire Mix. Approx: 3 years. White with Brindle patches. Very short fur. Large. Approx; 85 pounds “This past 1 ½ years have been a time of change for me. Lots of change, but, change for the better anyway. I was abandoned on Thanksgiving morning, 2012, in the bitter cold, was rescued by a nice family who me brought to the shelter, where I have since met lots of new friends-both two legged and four legged. I have seen a lot of other homeless dogs leave for their forever home, but, I am still waiting for that special family to fall in love with me. I have been to the vets (numerous times now, we are on a first name basis, “Doc”) and have had the works done (yup, THE works!). I am a favorite at The Grooming Post and have my own personal chauffer to pick me up, do my make over and bring me back to the shelter.I have been to my first set of obedience classes at Alpha Dog and I did great. The lady who owns the training center liked me so much, that my adoption kit comes with some free classes. ( I knew I was special!) I have a lot more new friends, some make me tow the line (like they should) and a few let me snuggle up on their lap for a snooze ( I know, they really shouldn’t give in for this, but I work the poor old homeless dog look pretty good). I have gotten along pretty good with some small dogs, but it all depends on each dog, and thier personality. I need to take it slow with meet and greets with bigger dogs. My ideal home would be just me, with some time here and there to be walked with other dogs. I am a great walker, and can be well behaved being near other dogs, I just don’t want them in my space or my face. Cats? They’re ok, but….. let’s skip the feline friend in our house ok? (they can be pushy….) (if it’s a deal breaker on a new home though, I will re-consider the feline friend idea) I’m neat and clean and totally house trained. I do need some work learning Not to counter surf though) I’m just fine having a crate to settle in when left alone too (as long as I have a stuffed animal to sleep with) I learn fast and I’m pretty easy to teach a trick to.( Food treats are a huge motivator!) I would love a home where I can travel with my family. Did I mention that I love to ride? My world revolves around the next car ride! How about a long distance trucker? Need a new best friend to travel with? I would look great in the front seat, be awesome company and be your protector if needed. (sorry, but, I might be easily conned with a treat though) I would be happy just hitting the road and traveling where ever the wheels take me. New places don’t bother me at all, every stop is a new adventure and a chance to see new things and meet new people! All in all, I’m a great dog who just needs a family who will always keep me, be responsible and make sure I’m taken care of. I will repay you with love, kisses, company and the look of adoration in my beautiful tan eyes. What more can you ask for? Please, I’ve been tossed out once, I need someone who knows bully type dogs and who will make sure I’m spoiled. So, here’s the latest- I have had my allergy tests and I’m allergic to quite a few things. It makes things a bit harder but I still love life and it’s really no different than a human with lots of allergies right? ( I don’t complain though! J) My thought is, do you suffer from allergies and have certain times of the year that are tougher than others? Are there foods that no matter how good they are, you just can’t eat them? Well, how about having a fellow soul mate who understands and will be there for you? We can cuddle up together in our free and clear laundered blankets! We can snack on food that we don’t have to share with others! Sounds like a match to me! Recently, I have been attending Handsome Dans Rescue Shelter Dog Enrichment Program and Training also known as “Pit Class” ( I was student of the week for my first week!)” I get picked up every Saturday and go to classes to get used to being better around other dogs. ( they also buy me presents!) Hopefully, this is just another way to get the word out about me. So, considering the awful start that I had in life, and spending all the time at the shelter, I have come a long way in my recent adventure. From being abandoned, tossed away , skinny, and in filthy condition, out of control and totally un loved, to being the resident office dog and people greeter at the shelter, attending Strut Your Mutt, the Santa Parade, the un official Master of Ceremonies at the grand opening for the shelter, having school kids bring stuffed animals just for me and wanting a big sloppy kiss as a thank you, spending foster home sleepover weekends and taking day trips to area parks, and best of all, being loved by everyone who meets me, I have really moved up in the world! Life is good and can only get better once I meet my match. Remember, one can never have enough stuffed animals in their life! Always feel free to drop off large stuffies at the shelter for me. They will have to be washed in my special detergent, but, once that is done, they are mine, and yes, I do share them easily with my humans, as long as they end up back in my bed with me.” I LOVE HUGS! If you are interested in preston or any other animals at the North Attleboro Animal Shelter please call 508-699-0128 and leave a message or email.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:12:04 +0000

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