Meet Pamela the Pretender. Pamela is in her 30s, a size 10-12 - TopicsExpress


Meet Pamela the Pretender. Pamela is in her 30s, a size 10-12 and has tried a diet from time to time. She acts like she is happy with her shape and in reality she looks quite well but deep down she struggles to love her body focusing on every lump and bump wearing baggy dresses because they cover her belly. She doent like diets because they are too restrictive and believes that everyone should be able to eat what they want. She takes the little bit of everything in moderation approach. She cant stomach a breakfast but she makes up for it with a healthy lunch from M&S. She snacks on nuts and raisins during the day because she read in some fitness mag that these fats are now good for you. Sometimes she adds them to a low fat yogurt because full fat ones are bad for you. She is so starving by the time she gets home that she has to have a rice cake immediately when she gets in the door just to keep her going while she prepares her stir-fry. She nibbles on peppers (cos theyre healthy) while she prepares her food. Before bed she has a cup of tea and sometimes a digestive biscuit because she read in a magazine that these are the healthiest biscuit to have anyway. She might cut her calories on a Friday to fit into a dress for Saturday night and gets really drunk really quickly and ends up righting off Sunday nursing an hangover watching reruns of Friends and eating a Pizza, coke, sweets and a McDonalds in one sitting but thats OK because shes back eating clean from Monday and she read somewhere that once you dont do it every day it wont make a huge impact on her weight loss or gain. Inevitably, she feels guilty Monday morning and decides she needs to detox and starts her usual 5 day juice only ritual. Her weighing scales fluctuates between 2-5kg but really she wants some stability and to feel good within her self. What Pamela doesnt realise is that she is kidding herself, plodding along aimlessly hoping that her good intentions will help her weight loss and that her poor decisions wont have an adverse affect because oh yea she read that somewhere. I think there is an element of Pamela in all of us trying to soak in every ounce of information to apply it even inconsistently. Our intentions are good but sometimes our unhealthy choices unravel a sugar craving roller coaster ride that lasts days. It wasnt until I applied the stuff I learned consistently that I really felt the benefits. If your like Pamela understand that correct planning and nutritional coaching are paramount to long term success. And guess what? You will find lots of great tips and advice throughout the 100 Day Clean Eating Challenge. So click below to sign up, get our free guidelines, recipes and access to our private facebook group. ;-)
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 09:00:01 +0000

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