Meet Scout! Scout is a sweet puppy with a horrible beginning to - TopicsExpress


Meet Scout! Scout is a sweet puppy with a horrible beginning to life. A woman saw him being kicked back and forth amongst a group of kids; rather than turn a blind eye this kind woman marched over to the kids, told them off, and took the puppy away from them. Soon after she reached out to the Lovely Heartland Ladies and asked if they had room for this sweet boy, naturally we said yes! Scout became accustomed to the spoiled puppy life and came out of his cute little shell quickly. We noticed right away that something seemed a bit off with Scout developmentally wise, but with advice from the vet we decided to wait for him to grow a bit more and see what happened. In the mean time we found an amazing family who fell in love with Scout and he went home with them to foster to adopt. Fast forward a couple months later and Scout’s health did not improve, but actually got worse. For being a young five month old puppy Scout has little energy, hardly any appetite, and walks with a painful looking gait. We made an appointment with our vet to have hip x-rays and blood work done to try and figure out what was going on with Scout. His x-rays turn out normal, but his blood work was very concerning; his liver enzymes are six to seven times higher than normal levels and his creatine kinase levels are astronomically high (normal range is 10-200, his level is 82,000)! It is very evident that there is something wrong with Scout and further testing needs to be done to pinpoint and treat the issue. Our vets would like to do more extensive blood work, a muscle biopsy, and possibly an ultrasound. As you can imagine these tests are going to cost a lot of money; even after factoring in our rescue discount the total of these tests will cost about $700 and that is not including any treatment he will need once we figure out the issue. Heartland is a non-profit rescue group, which means we rely solely on the donations of kind people to rescue animals and pay for vet bills when the unexpected happens. We are asking for monetary donations to help us pay for Scout’s tests and treatment. We would like to get him on track to being a healthy puppy where he can go on living a normal and spoiled rotten life with his family as quickly as possible. Donations can be made by going to our website and donating through our Paypal button; just make sure to note that the donation is going towards Scout’s medical bills. Any amount will greatly help and be appreciated by Scout, his family, and the Lovely Heartland Ladies. Thank you! hhsrescue.jigsy/
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:41:48 +0000

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