Meet Yongo Otieno Wycliffe! :) - Add him as a friend. - He is - TopicsExpress


Meet Yongo Otieno Wycliffe! :) - Add him as a friend. - He is building an administration center in Kitale, Kenya - His current focus is completing a guest house, and he is seeking funding - He is very passionate about earth, humanity, helping others, and especially permaculture - He has many permaculture groups, and is active all over the internet, websites, groups, youtube videos - He is a young leader worth following, and partnering with - I, personally, have 4 new projects in Africa that I have been working on, I just picked them all up this past week. - I appreciate all your support as well, as I bring these projects to the surface - We all bring something to the table, and really make a difference to all those in need - Thanks all, I love you! Please review the project plan that I have begun for Yongo KITALE, KENYA PROJECT PLAN: RAISING FUNDS TO COMPLETE GUEST HOUSE WHO: Champion: Yongo Otienno Wycliffe (add him as a friend to get his email address) He is an administrator for the Administration Center https://facebook/yongootieno.wycliffe Children, many kids there Helping the ‘at risk’; the poor, women, children, youths and those who need it most Parents are at home, work, or non-existent; town center is essential Poverty in area WHAT: Vision: A model of peace to reinstall the communities dream of nature and hospitality, to share abundance, mix cultures, without war among peoples. Poverty No clean water Centralized Town Center Need: More online presence, and promotion, funds for various projects Access to a Seminar Hall, clean water, green house, solar panels, e.t.c Specific Needs: Guest House being built Sponsors to support the mission WHEN: Asap WHERE: Kenya (Kitale) WHY: Better life for all RESOURCES: Website sharepermaculture.wix/e-ma Kitale in Transition (Yongo an admin) https://facebook/groups/247122942142875/ Pictures https://facebook/yongootieno.wycliffe/media_set?set=a.1379430372268543.1073741824.100006047798291&type=3 Permaculture sites Africa https://facebook/permacultureafrica W. Africa https://facebook/groups/permaculturewestafrica/ S. Africa https://facebook/groups/permaculturesouthafrica/ Kenya https://facebook/groups/kenyapermaculture/ Share - Permaculture Project https://facebook/pages/Share-Permaculture-Project/701221783305465 Permaculture&ecovillages lover https://facebook/pages/Permacultureecovillages-lover/279991392173044 Permaculture Fascinator https://facebook/groups/768841906469498/ Share Permaculture Project https://facebook/sharepeaceproject LARGE ORGANIZATIONS TO NETWORK WITH: New Earth Nation - Sacha Stone (Yongo is a member of group) - How to get them to help more? https://facebook/groups/459022014235849/ UBUNTU - Michael Tellinger - I will seek ways they can help each other STUDY: Ubuntu’s Town Center ..And the other facilities ASSORTED VIDEOS: https://youtube/watch?v=E4LBs7gm8x0 https://youtube/watch?v=DLGELvT6bnA https://youtube/watch?v=09sCD17AOyY https://youtube/watch?v=2yOvcNxoylk https://youtube/watch?v=OPc05yk87TA ... Thanks all! I love you! :)
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:39:15 +0000

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