Meet our Veterinary Intern for this year! Name: Chelsea - TopicsExpress


Meet our Veterinary Intern for this year! Name: Chelsea Farnsworth Position at AE: Veterinarian 1. Tell us about your first horse. My first horse was an ornery Appaloosa cross mare that, the first time I rode her, I swore I wouldn’t ride again. My trainer though, had different thoughts. She was owned at the time by a little girl in the barn and was “too much horse” for her. The thought was I would ride her until she sold to “teach her some manners.” In the end, my trainer thought we were a perfect match and convinced me to stick with her. I “retrained” her and she became the perfect horse for me over time—the type of horse that does what you want almost as soon as you think it. She was very opinionated though and kept me from getting too big of a head after a good class at a show. Known as “A Lil’ Fame”, she taught me so many lessons about perseverance and partnership. I had her until I went to college and she stayed home to teach other little girls how to ride. 2. What are your hobbies outside of AE? I love used book stores…I love the smell, the chaos and how you can find such quirky books you can’t find anywhere else! And because I love book stores, I also love to read. Anything. I have bookshelves on bookshelves full of books. I buy books like some buy shoes. Having grown up in the northwest, I love outdoor activities—especially downhill skiing. I started skiing at 5 years old. My fiancé and I go kayaking and hiking and often take camping trips throughout the summer. Road trips are another favorite thing—randomly driving somewhere and finding the weird/off the beaten paths adventures. I admit it—I do love shopping. Finding a good deal on something I’ve been watching is just fantastic! Haha. I painted a lot in high school and college, but didn’t have much time in vet school. I really want to start that again with the little free time I’ll have this year. 3. Tell us about your favorite childhood memory. I grew up on a cul-de-sac in a large neighborhood where a lot of other kids my age lived. During the summer, we would play roller hockey out in front of my house, tag, hide-and-seek, and many other games from morning until we had to go inside. Mornings were filled with racing bikes around the block—they were named for famous horses of course—and the evenings were usually filled with pick up hockey games with the boys on rollerblades and me, the only girl, in tennis shoes. I sure could hold my own! Those summers were bliss. 4. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? Growing up, my family went on “educational” vacations—Washington DC, Boston, Mt. Rushmore, etc, etc. So I love traveling to find out about a place’s history and culture. I would go to the South Pacific in a heartbeat—Indonesia, Bali, Thailand, Malaysia. The culture is so vibrant and different than ours and I would love to experience it firsthand. Some of this might, I’ll be honest, be influenced by watching Eat, Pray, Love too many times. :) 5. What is your favorite meal/restaurant? I love pizza. Yep, I’ll admit it. There is an amazing hole-in-the-wall pizza restaurant in my home town called Juliano’s Pizzeria. The décor is rock and roll music themed with posters hanging on the walls, disco balls, and arcade games in the back for kids. They make amazing thick crust pizzas heaped really high with toppings; 2 slices is enough to be dinner and breakfast the next day. Our family would go very often; the waitresses knew our order. All our extended family has been there and sometimes they request going when in town, even over Mom’s amazing home cooking! :) 6. Tell us about your pet peeve. Do I have to pick one? Well. That actually sounds terrible. :) Well, I do get very annoyed at people at Chipotle who wait in line for 15 minutes and then don’t know what they want once they get up to the counter. Also, I hate it when drivers don’t use their blinkers! 7. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would you choose? Why? What would you talk about? I have loved the Jane Austen books since I was young. She was a pioneer for women in literature and wrote some of the most poignant and endearing stories on love, class, and expectations. I want to know how those stories came to life and how her life, which was very different then the novels she wrote, impacted what happened to her characters. Also, it would be hilarious to know what she thought of all the adaptations to her books, like “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” and all the movie adaptations, like “Bridget Jones’ Diary”. What would she think of Colin Firth as our Mr. Darcy? 8. Tell us 5 random facts about you. a. I’ve never been stung by a bee. b. Even after 4 years of living in downtown Seattle (the birthplace of Starbucks), I still can’t stand coffee. c. My first car was a 1998 hunter green Volvo station wagon complete with the backwards facing trunk seats. d. I am obsessed with J.Crew and button up shirts e. Word on the street is, when I was 4 years old and visiting DisneyWorld, my mom was approached by a modeling agent who wanted to put me on TV cause I was so darn cute. Mom said no. (WHY?!?) :)
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 17:15:26 +0000

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