Meet stupid, there should be more of this. Protesters who serve no - TopicsExpress


Meet stupid, there should be more of this. Protesters who serve no use to the community and hold up working people, leave a mess for the tax payers to clean up because they behave like ferals should be made to pay, and this nit wit should be made to pay, one thing for sure she will be working more than one job to pay for this lot. Who is funding these ferals? Where would she get funds from to take this to the High Court? Looking at her photo she can’t even afford a comb. Occupy Melbourne protester faces $2m legal bill CHRISTOPHER GILLETT Herald Sun October 03, 2014 9:30PM Sara Kerrison could seek leave to go to the High Court. Sara Kerrison could seek leave to go to the High Court. AN Occupy Melbourne protester who vainly challenged the legality of the arrest of protesters and their eviction from city gardens in late 2011 could now face a $2 million legal bill. Sara Louise Kerrison, who herself was not arrested, sued the Melbourne City Council, the Chief Commissioner of Police and the State of Victoria in the Federal Court, but lost. And yesterday the Full Federal Court dismissed her appeal against that ruling. Lord Mayor Robert Doyle said yesterday the legal battle was a travesty for taxpayers. “Large amounts of public money have been spent because of the self-indulgence of the protesters who refuse to let this go, long after it should have been concluded,” he said. Freedom of Information documents revealed that the City of Melbourne paid more than $554,000 to its lawyers in defending the original action. It also spent $71,000 on emergency barricades around the City Square and the clean-up. The Herald Sun understands legal costs now exceed $2 million, and police costs are likely to be double council’s. Government spokesman James Copsey welcomed yesterday’s ruling. “Protesters have a right to protest peacefully and in ­accordance with law. However, this decision makes clear that the law can set, and police can enforce, rules to ensure that protesters do not unduly interfere with the lawful activities of other Victorians,” he said. Ms Kerrison could now seek to go to the High Court. Occupy Melbourne protesters were issued with 114 council penalty notices after erecting tents in the City Square and Treasury and Flagstaff Gardens in November-December 2011. Council had relied on by-laws banning advertising signs or camping without a permit.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 00:10:25 +0000

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