Meet the Candidates Nashville Indiana 9th Congressional District - TopicsExpress


Meet the Candidates Nashville Indiana 9th Congressional District 4-10-2014 Brief assessment of candidates . In the order of seating at the table . Bill Bailey : Democrat - Experienced politician . NRA Member but wants background checks . Is pro Obama Care - told of how for 1 year he did not have insurance for his family and the fear involved . My Comments . He is socialist . Wants Obama Care and gun control . Wants me to buy something or be punished . Did not say it in those words. But that is the effect . Slick Politician ... I did not even go up and call him what he was I should have . Declared himself my enemy . Was not smart enough to know it . I have been without health coverage for over 20 years . I have little compassion for his one year of worry . J.S. Miller : Democrat . Wants to raise minim wage . Pro Obama Care . Wants a large public works project to get people back to work rebuilding infrastructure . My Comments : Socialist . Does not understand wealth and where money comes from in the public area . Did not offer how to pay for the public works programs . Wants me to buy something or be punished . Did not say it in those words. But that is the effect . I did not even go up and call him what he was . I should have . Declared himself my enemy . Was not smart enough to know it . Kathy Heil : Republican . Anti Obama care . Pro gun . For a limited Federal Government . My Comments : Constitutionalist . She was the only candidate that talked about limited federal government . More than once . Wants to follow the Constitution . Voiced how her own party does not care about her running . ( I have seen such things in the past of the two / Uniparty System . ) Wants to get spending under control . Only one that stated the amount of the debt of the nation and per person . She would be the best of the bunch to protect my Constitution . Sadly she is a wholesome common woman and that is not what the public wants . Mark Jones : Republican . Anti Obama Care , Pro 2nd and 10th Amendment . Has a agricultural back ground . Land owner . Is against federal subsidies . Except farm subsidies . Said farmers need help . My Comments : Big R republican . He is a republican in the form of a party . Not a form of representation . He said a lot of proper things . Now to be fair . He appeared to be nervous speaking in public . I have no problem with that . But he did not come off with a confident air about him . He is not a statesman . The entitlements are bad ... except the ones that he likes . He will not vote on principal . A disappointment . Todd Young : Incumbent : Republican . Absent . No representative from him present . My Comments : I dont fault Todd for not showing . I will assume he has matters of State to attend to . No representative was dispatched to attend . Failure . But this was not a surprise to me . Two years ago at the county fair I met him . Told him I was going fire him and to do what I could to influence people to do the same . My positions on this is unchanged . Others listed on balliotpedia. James McClure Jr. : Democrat William Joseph Thomas : Democrat Both Absent . No representative . The moderator did ask my submitted question as the last one . Do you know what the S&P 500 ended at today or how much it lost . The purpose was to test awareness as all talked the national budget . Spending or saving . Money and wealth . To be fair the moderator dropped the ball and did not push for an answer from everyone as was done on all the other questions . I did sign my name to the question submitted . 1st Place . Kathy Heil . Admitted she did not know but would check it that night . Honest. 1st Place Loser . Bill Bailey . Did not answer the direct question . Turned it around on the submitter and said if youre worried you should not be in the stock market . Slick answer . Dishonest . He did not know and did not admit it . AWOL : J.S . Miller . He sat there waiting for the situation to allow him to slide by and not answer the question . And it did and he did not . Classic Sun Tzu . Dishonest . AWOL : Mark Jones . Pass . Barely. To be fair . The moderator botched the answer mandates . As the situation and conversation was in flux . The poor guy . He just lost his place. He continually had to ask for questions to be repeated . Side note : My wife told me when he first stood up it made her think of the cartoon character from the movie Monsters Inc . When the little girl call the big monster Kitty . That is what went through my wifes mind ... Kitty . So in summation . We had Democrat Socialists . No shows that did not care about the voters and or constituents . One Big R Republican that believes spending is bad except when the cuts gore his ox . And the lone woman Constitutionalist . That has the principals to probably vote for the good of the nations at large . But unfortunately will lack the funding , skills and savvy to win the primary . Let alone the general election . Todd will probably get back in as he has the statical advantage . The budget increases and the wars will go on ... at least based on his voting record they will . And the biggest loser ? Thats right us . The citizen taxpayer . Duncan Adams
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 13:41:36 +0000

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