Meet the Parliamentarian to be for Oku/ Noni Constitunency: As you - TopicsExpress


Meet the Parliamentarian to be for Oku/ Noni Constitunency: As you know by now, i have decided to run for MP for the Oku/Noni constituency. This is our area and I deem it important for me to inform you of this calling for service and to count on your support in garnering support from kith and kiln from Oku and Noni. Besides my training and experience in Law and Political Sciences, I have experiences in about 15 domains of entrepreneurship spanning from the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of enterprise. Experience also extends to active work in civil society and community development, and is compounded by leadership training by the U.S Government in the U.S, in Singapore, and recently The African Leadership Institute in Ghana. Most remakable of my exploits nationally was when I helped create about 750 well paid jobs in a space of 8 months while setting up Le Bus and Le Car. I was 29 when I started setting up this project, was the first Cameroonian to be appointed by the Americans in this company to be Vice President of the holding company. I had just turned 30. I believe it is propitious time for this generation of youth to move from a spirit of resignation and blame-game to proactively participate in the political process and inject fresh paradigms which will not only help bring our community and nation to the present trends and speed of global evolution, but also generate cross-generational partnerships that will engage the community towards usefull processes and activities that will lead to growth and welfare. In order not to sound overly idealistic, but to provide a blend between reality, and ambitious targets for the growth of Bui West (my constituency) in particular, my political program is tailored towards embracing the realities of our area and developing useful and practical programs to meet its needs. These, I have done before as you will see in some aspects of my profile(hereto attached). Most importantly, we need politicians who can employ their broad based national and international contacts and relations to lobby for development projects for our consituency. The time has past when MPs have to depend on the 8 million frs yearly micro grants for the development of their constituency. They have to be able to design and implement projects that will not only help in the development of our community, but also build the capacity of our people and give them the necessary reflexes and abilities to seize the moment and use in making their lives and the community better. We have passed the age when people should mobilise behind a candidate because of tribal reasons or popularity. We need to rally behind people who can deliver goods, especially if they had demonstrated this in their track records. My decision to run for office IS NOT PREMISED ON AN AGREEMENT THAT WAS SIGNED BETWEEN OKU AND NONI. It is premised on a program I believe I can deliver to our people. In addition to contributing in bringing the useful development my constituency needs, I believe that serving the nation as a whole in furthering useful legislation that affect the sustainable growth and welfare of this nation will be one of the strong aptitudes that I withold. I STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT MY CANDIDACY WILL BRING ADDITIONAL SPOTLIGHTS TO OUR CONSTITUENCY BOTH NATIONALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY. This is graced by my entries in the political, diplomatic, social, economic and international spheres. I am not going there to earn a salary or use parliamentary grants for self enrichment. I am going there to serve, and most especially, to serve in a different way. We need to open floodgates of opportunities to our area. We need to all get hands on deck to make Oku and Noni an enviable constituency for others in Region and country, and this will off-course ripple -effect to the nation as a whole. Thanks and be blessed. (PLease read attached profile) Nfinyo Nfinyo T. MABU Chief Executive Officer Fresh Investment Corporation Yaounde - Cameroon +237 77 62 58 08 freshinvestcorp nfinyo@freshinvestcorp Building lives and the nation through business development and facilitation
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 18:31:51 +0000

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