Meet the mentally challenged Iraqi man who can read Quran in - TopicsExpress


Meet the mentally challenged Iraqi man who can read Quran in reverse Dubai, July 24: An Iraqi man who was born with limited ability and has a mental age of a three-year-old can miraculously read the Quran in reverse and knows each verse of the book by heart. Hussain Adnan Sabri, 29, can’t write or count till ten properly and can’t even locate his own house if he’s lost in the street but when it comes to the Quran, he can not just only read it but has remarkable knowledge about each chapter and each verse, the Gulf News reports. An eminent scholar and imam of Masjid Hassan Al Shaikh, Sherzad Abdul Rahman said that Sabri’s special ability is difficult to achieve even for a normal individual and considering his cognitive limitations it is nothing short of a miracle. Abdul Rahman further said that Sabri can even list words in Quran related to any particular root and tell where the words are located, which only very highly learned scholars can do. According to the report, Sabri’s uncle Emad Shakir Al Abdali, said that he never learnt the Quran from any teacher and never learnt to read and write beyond the Arabic alphabet and yet he is able to read the entire Quran in five hours twice a day. Al Abdali said that Sabri has been ‘abnormal since birth’ and his father’s attempts at curing him went in vain as doctors gave up n finding a cure. However, Sabri’s father was a pious man and did not lose hope and as a practice he used to keep a copy of Quran on Sabri’s chest each night, following which he showed signs of improvement. The report added that by the age of five years and six months Sabri had memorized the entire Quran without any teacher’s help. (ANI)
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 13:53:43 +0000

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