Meeting outcome. After much debate today, Karen will no longer - TopicsExpress


Meeting outcome. After much debate today, Karen will no longer offer sample readings for anymore than 5 page members at any given time, and only when she announces so via the page post, inboxed requests will not be permitted unless you have already been accepted via the actual post asking you to inbox us in order to receive your sample. If you are not able to be online within the hour of posting a request then please refrain from entering to enable someone who will genuinely want the sample and are able to inbox us within 1hr of the post as you will be not only wasting Karens time but preventing someone else the chance to have a sample which is not fair, samples will not be held any longer than 2hrs and we will not be chasing people through page posts to inbox us as the rules have always been the same: * Immediately upon receiving a response to your DOB post in the sample offer post you MUST inbox us, if you are unable to inbox provide your email along with your DOB. * You are required in exchange of the sample to leave feedback + a rating on the page, anyone who does not abide by this simple request will be refused any future samples, regardless of whether you are accepted at the time. * Anyone found to be asking on behalf of someone else for their sample will be banned as these samples are confidential and only for the ears of the recipient. *You must be a page member to be eligible for a sample *If you already received a previous sample and failed to leave a review and rating you will be denied any future samples. *If we discover a person is only ever requesting samples showing no interest whatsoever in booking a paid reading they will be banned. (we understand not everyone can afford a reading but overall we are the most affordable for what is offered anywhere) the samples are only so you can see for yourself how genuine Karen is, she is not to be taken for granted as freebies dont pay the bills. .. The reasons we have had to come to this decision is as outlined: • these were never a case of she had to do them but offered them to those genuinely interested in experiencing how good she is before booking a paid reading. • the only request in exchange was feedback to share what the person thought of the sample provided free of charge. • it was also asked that those who were given samples contact us via the inbox to receive those samples. • these were not intended to be abused by a person obtaining a freebie for every family member. • it was also only offered to The Psychic Studio page members. ************* As a result ************* • Karen gave away a lot of samples after checking the book to date the number of samples since our page opened in June 2013 exceed 3280, now take a look at the review numbers and page posts by members in comparison, not even one quarter is there! • many never left feedback, many never booked but suddenly submitted again their DOB when ever freebies were offered. • Even on occasions it was clearly noted the samples were being offered to new page members or those whove never had a reading or sample by Karen, we still found people who had one trying for another sample, and the only communication before that was their sample, no booking and no feedback.This meant holding Karen up in order to do an inbox check then having the task of reminding that person theyve already had one. • in the beginning samples went for up to 12 mins with 10 mins being the minimum, when Karen dropped them to 2 mins some felt the need to inbox us abusing us that their cousin etc received a 10 min sample and theirs was 2 mins and therefore felt ripped off. With one lady threatening to report us to FB if we didnt give her her sample! • We also had a abusive woman tell us we were falsely advertising the page as free readings and thats the only reason she Liked us, when seeing we had posted rates and itemised the various reading types she told us by way of inboxing we had lost her as a Liker. :/ • we often found we had to post requests for people to inbox us to receive the samples this meant page post announcements asking them by name to inbox us but often this fell on deaf ears. • some would inbox us a week later demanding we give them their sample then abused us if we no longer had it. • not only did it get out of hand with samples but some members expected Karen to give further free readings via the inbox, when we said we could arrange a booking they then unliked the page because it meant spending money. • we also noticed that one member that expected Karen to do another sample for someone else responded abruptly in their feedback that they had taken long to inbox because they had more productive things to do with their time this had absolutely nothing to do with Karens sample which was done promptly and generously. However, we assume the remark was due to us saying: no sorry Karen is not here to be taken for granted Karen is not a person who we will inconvenience or inundate with sample requests, already the hours she provides is more than most would. We responded to that post feedback with although we appreciate the feedback we are sure Karen could had used her time also more productively instead of doing their sample. yes it was abrupt but taking the moment to abuse Karen because we said no to another sample is completely unfair to Karen. Notably this left the feedback or review less glowing yet obviously to request initially another sample be offered naturally proved it was considered good enough before we said no. Very sad indeed. • In addition..reasons we wont call her at 10pm to drop everything and do a sample is that she has a family and the samples were offered in her own time. Sometimes she may be reading for one of her overseas clients who are on a different time zone. • we also found some remarked that they wont leave feedback until we got Karen to do their friends or partners. This is a complete disregard of her generosity. We felt that in all fairness many were only here to get the freebies then would disappear until the next time freebies were offered. We discussed that since unlike many in this industry are out for a big bank account Karens prices are already ridiculously slashed to the bottom dollar price. -No where else have we found anyone in this industry to save the client the cost of a phone call by calling them. -Recording the entire reading to CD -Scanning for EVPs (Spirit voices) Where we can take up to 7hrs of our day checking a single 1 hr reading and then copying each single EVP into its own mp3 file to include on the same CD along with the full reading. -No where else do you get a flat rate reading that even if it dies exceed 1hr you arent required to pay anymore than the agreed rate. No where else do you get dedication like this to each individual client! -Phone readings never charged by the minute! -Face to face flat rates and youre never made to feel rushed out the door! -You dont pay extra for the CD or the postage! In addition if Karen has a spirit visitation outside of business hours she has always posted the message to the page i the hope that the souls family (if on our page) will see it, never, not once has she asked for any payment from the spirits relatives to pass on their loved ones messages if that spirit visits her at sometimes 2am or 4am! So many have received their loved ones messages from the other side, so many have found peace for nothing! Not a single incident has there ever been where a person has inboxd us saying that they felt the spirit was a relative did we say you need to book a reading to get the rest of the message from Karen if there is further details Karen had stated was too personal to publish on the page, so she has provided us with the info in case someone comes forward, and if so, its just given! Yet to think so many are ready to take further advantage of Karens generosity is disheartening. Yes, its only natural people will if its offered, we understand that, however many forget this is a business, not a page of entertainment purposes. So with that said we have come to the decision that samples will limited and if a person is only here to get something for nothing we will have no option but to deny them any further membership of our page, we believe Karen has effectively proven countless times she is the real deal so theres no need for her to leap through anymore proverbial hoops. We know that we will see the numbers if the page drop as a result but we hope this will then leave the genuine members who know a good psychic medium when they find one. Thank you Admin & Karen The Psychic Studio & The High Priestess
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:49:36 +0000

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