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Create Group Suggested Groups See All Suggested Groups ~ Divine One ~ Ashton Moses and 4 other friends joined Join ONE UNIFY FIELDS - THE 5D NEW EARTH GAIA ♥ ☼ ☆ Angel Reiki and 4 other friends joined Join The Peoples Charter for Higher Conscious Living Helen Corridan and 4 other friends joined Join Barbara Marciniak and the Pleiadians Walt Sims Jr and 4 other friends joined Join The Disclosure Lobby Daniel Divine and 4 other friends joined Join Sponsored Create Ad Sponsored Do You Want To Grow Your Business In 2015? CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE WORKSHOP NOW... Exclusive Workshop For Entrepreneurs Only: 4 Powerful Tips To Up-Level Your Business That... Your reputation’s online See how prospective employers see you, to improve your chances of getting the job you want English (US) · Privacy · Terms · Cookies · Advertising · More Facebook © 2015 Write Post Add Photo / Video Ask Question Add File PINNED POST News Feed Brian Kelly September 6, 2013 I created this group as another forum to share articles and ideas. Its hard to keep up with my FB wall, so feel free to share any messages with me or to the group in here. The only rule I have is be respectful to others no matter what their ideas, beliefs or opinions. As Yogananda said, fools argue and wise men discuss, so I encourage any and all discussions. Ill do my best to monitor whats going on in here as much as I can. The more the merrier so feel free to invite an... See More Unlike · · Share · 4771253 News Feed RECENT ACTIVITY Joe Cordiano shared Diplomatic Immunity - Learn it, Earn it, Live its photo. January 8 at 2:04pm A brief, but excellent article. The author of this article is wrong about one thing - its not our education system its THEIRS. Obviously, if they can make it the way it has degenerated into it does not belong to the people they have brainwashed over the generations. Wake up and re-claim your mind. “Teaching Children How to Think Instead of What to Think” ~ an article by Will Stanton Right now our education system is doing more to indoctrinate our children than to educate them. In fact, that has been the case for quite some time. Our young minds are being told to accept authority as truth instead of truth as authority, and teachers talk at the students instead of with them. Teachers have become repeaters of information. They are merely regurgitating everything they once learned from their own teachers, and perpetuating the recycling of information; information that has managed to evade scrutiny for generations. Children are no longer the masters of their own learning, and instead, their minds are being treated as storage containers. The factory model of education, with its focus on academic and economic elitism, is churning out obedient workers for the system, encouraged to conform every step of the way. We are not being treated as organic, creative, investigative human beings, but instead as parts in the machine. The education system is filtering out the inquisitive nature of our being, with the ultimate goal being to prevent dissent against the system. The system doesn’t want thinkers. It doesn’t want people to question its methods. It wants a population that can be easily manipulated and controlled so as to relinquish all its power to the elite. There are those who say that critical thinking skills cannot be taught in schools. Socrates would likely scoff at that notion, were he still alive today. It was Socrates who said, “I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.” If we’re going to solve the problem of indoctrination in our school system, we have to learn to begin asking questions instead of giving answers. Real learning is achieved through the investigative process. Children have to be encouraged to search for the answers themselves. It is up to the teachers to provide the tools and resources necessary for the children to conduct these inquiries and make meaningful discoveries. One well-formed question will do more to inspire than any number of answers. In every facet of our educational pursuits, it becomes crucial to begin an open dialogue with our students, to encourage healthy debate and to have them form their own conclusions. The importance of teaching philosophy in schools cannot be underestimated. In a world where most of humanity is running on the treadmill with the blinders on, it is paramount that we re-evaluate our own perspectives from time to time, and look at the big picture. What teaching philosophy does is it gets us thinking, it gets us questioning, and it gets us contemplating. Without these skills, humanity will continue to function on autopilot, and we will allow those in power to continue to dominate, oppress and enslave us in every way. We need to reclaim our own minds… About the Author Will Stanton is an Australian writer, activist and teacher who has dedicated his life to changing the education system. He is about to release his book, Education Revolution, which looks at the current paradigm of education and proposes solutions to its many problems. In the book, he offers an entirely new model for global education which he calls The Six Dimension Model. Will could use your help to make the book a reality. He has started an Indiegogo campaign to raise money for publishing costs, and would love you to be a part of his mission. Featured image: Calvin & Hobbes “Indoctrination”, Google Diplomatic Immunity - Learn it, Earn it, Live it The author of this article is wrong about one thing - its not our education system its THEIRS. Obviously, if they can make it the way it has degenerated i... See More Like · · Share 3 people like this. View 4 more comments Joe Cordiano A related video: https://youtube/watch?v=ywd_U1T9Ck0 The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America Radio Show host Alex Jones talks with whistle blower Charlotte Iserbyt who served as Senior Policy Adviser... youtube January 15 at 2:37pm · Like Joe Cordiano https://facebook/TrueDiplomaticImmunity/photos/pb.1477371239145072.-2207520000.1421674065./1523352217880307/?type=1&theater For those truly serious about exercising your right of self-determination, you should have already taken your children out of public school. Diplomatic Immunity - Learn it, Earn it, Live it For those truly serious about exercising your right of self-determination, you should have already taken your children out of public school. January 19 at 2:44pm · Like · 1 Joe Cordiano An important addendum to this thread: https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded... Chinese American Mom ~ Common Core in U.S. same as Communist Core in China Mother of 3 Lily Williams comes to America for... youtube January 22 at 2:18am · Like Joe Cordiano https://facebook/TrueDiplomaticImmunity/photos/p.1576264942589034/1576264942589034/?type=1&theater Diplomatic Immunity - Learn it, Earn it, Live its photo. 8 mins · Like Mel Batty Write a comment... Kenneth Pruden shared Citizens Fund for Federal Accountability Inc.s post. 14 mins Citizens Fund for Federal Accountability Inc. **************** PLEASE LIKE & SHARE OUR PAGE *************** We would like to invite everyone to look at our page, consider the issues and that the Secret Serv... See More Like · · Share Mel Batty Write a comment... Brian Kelly shared his post. 20 mins Meet Desolenator, our newest strategic partnerships for our Empower it Forward project. PLEASE SHARE THIS and help bring water to people in need! 880 million people have no access to clean drinkable water. Lisa M Harrison Mel Batty Uwe Uehle Sherry Sawyer Shelley Hunter Levon Gevorkyan Melani Vermay Biggi Boho Jake Ducey Justin Deschamps Julian Robles Dani Arnold-McKenny Nick McKenny India Irie Sanatana Dharma Kami Be Cary Kirastar Ellis David John Uwins Brian Kelly contributed to a campaign on Indiegogo. Mpowered Life is proud to support the Desolenator! We look forward to exploring all the many possibilities of our collaborative efforts in the weeks and months ... See More Desolenator: transforming sunshine into water Help us develop the most affordable and environmentally friendly water purification technology ever! Indiegogo Like · Dani Arnold-McKenny 39 mins (*) Good Cop, Bad Cop: The final act on the Global Stage of US vs Them At this point in time even main stream pundits are stating what the alternative media has been saying for years: That the so called two (three, four) party political systems of democratic countries are no more than an illusion of choice. The reality is that all of these political parties are one and the same and working for exactly the same goals. Of course the booby prize for making this fully transparent goes to US Congress, which has thoroughly highlighted and blazingly shone a spotlight on the fact that it doesnt matter which party is in power- they are all one and the same. Nothing is done differently as an end result of who has control of Congress. While its easy to point this out when making fun of the US, Canada, England, Australia, Germany, France...... you name it: They are all the same, and all run from the same Template. The vast majority of the awakened public know this. Now comes the jump in reasoning that many people seem to miss. If the players of the internal, national, governments are all the same..... why would anyone think that International politics would be any different? To clarify: They are all just the same girl in a different party dress GLOBALLY. removingtheshackles.blogspot/…/good-cop-bad-cop-… Removing The Shackles: Good Cop, Bad Cop: The final act on the Global Stage of US vs Them China’s complicity in building the Rockefeller New World Order, in their own words… In my last entry, The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words, I laid out the Rockefeller Plan for the New World Order (NWO) as reflected in their official blueprint for it, a 1961 book tit… removingtheshackles.blogspot|By D ... Breaking The Silence
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 15:20:45 +0000

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