Melayu Pribumi Asia Tenggara (perkongsian dari Nur - TopicsExpress


Melayu Pribumi Asia Tenggara (perkongsian dari Nur Hussein) “Biar saya jelaskan, Melayu, Cina, India semua pendatang, kecuali Orang Asli, orang Sabah dan orang Sarawak, yang menjadi bumiputera asal,” katanya. - Tan Lai Soon. Dear Tan Lai Soon, why the double standard about the Iban people? What if I tell Gerakan that the Iban people started in Kapuas River (Indonesia-Kalimantan) before spreading into Sarawak and later Sabah? What if I say that the Iban people are also connected genetically to the Javanese people, the Batak people, and the Melayu Malays as well? And what about their connection genetically to to the cambodian malays, the pattani malays, the kelantan and terengganu malays pulak? And that aside from the mixtures with other cultures, our ibu pertiwi genes came from the proto malays/ orang asli? So if Im a terengganu - javanese - johor - mandailing/batak descent, does that make me 3/4 Iban or 3/4 champa or 3/4 javanese (different names to describe geographical influence and of different times yet genetically were connected)...? all are not wrong depending on which era are we talking about. Of course we cannot discount the fact that even the Iban people, the native Taiwan people and the Naga people in India and Myanmar and several indigenous people in the Phillippines are also connected culturally as well. So lets see here, Gerakan says the Malays are Pendatang, but not the orang sabah and sarawak. Lets talk about the Malays in Kelantan and Terengganu, whom presumably were pendatang from Pattani, which were previously the Cambodian champa malays, which were previously from the ancient Vietnamese, which came from the ancient Iban which were related to the ancient Javanese as well? Which is which? Which era is Gerakan talking about when they claim that my ancestors were pendatang to this pertiwi? When they mentioned Malaysia, are we talking post colonial, less than 70 years for all the nations of this tanah dan air... what if Im talking about 2000 years back? or 6,000 years back or 60000 years back for when there was no one else on this land except my earlier ancestors, the orang asli, which also later became the Iban or Batak or Javanese or Champas or Melayu Malays? Should I discount the proto-malay blood that is part of my genetic make-up? Gerakan had also discounted the fact that all of us were once under the Sriwijayan empire, and were talking about a huge kingdom that was once todays Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipines, Cambodia and Thailand, all in one. During colonial time, the whole pertiwi was called the Malay Archipelago, where there were no immigration check points. Thanks to the western colonials that split us up to become British colony and Dutch colony and Spanish colony, our once bigger homeland became 4 separate countries, parts of Kedah (right up to the Isthmus of Kra) and Kelantan (Pattani) were given to the Thailand (for being the British proxy), part of the Johor-Riau-Lingga kingdom had been given to the dutch colony and later became Indonesia, and the spanish colony became the Phillippines. So will Gerakan dare to discount that the Riau-Lingga people are pendatang from Malaysia to Indonesia as previously they were under the Johor Kingdom? Or what about the Singaporean malays which were also originally from the Johor Kingdom? This is why, if the Gerakan people dont understand the history of the people and this land, they will never put their foot in their mouths like they are doing now. Knowing and understanding my origin and my history and accepting the fact that we were once animistic, or buddhist, or hindus, or even cannibals or vampires before Islam, I fully embrace my ancestors history, despite what the western colonials did by separating us from our larger families. I embrace the fact that had it not been recorded by them and preserved by them till this day, plus their efforts today with doing the mitochondiral DNA genome research, added to the folkores and the knowledge passed through the generations before my parents to my parents to myself, I may just be the lost generation and believe in the Gerakans baseless accusation. And due to this knowledge, I personally have no issues over the illegal Phillipinos and Indonesians in Malaysia, because once upon a time this was too part of their larger tanah dan air to begin with. Although I also respect that today we belong under different sovereign countries, that they do require proper visas and documentation to travel in and out of Malaysia simply for security reasons and taxation purposes. But in no way do I dismiss them as pendatang, nor do I dismiss them as my bigger family just because they are not muslims. Because denouncing that means I am denouncing what I am today. And another point, does Gerakan understand the meaning of the word Iwi from the word Pertiwi and the concept of tanah dan air (tanahair)? If they dont, then they really dont know this country they call home after all. ** Im curious to know, if Gerakan is in Germany, would the influx of the Eastern Germans into West Germany post the crumbling of the Berlin wall is considered as pendatang? or rather, if they are in Korea, would they consider the north korean that escaped and entered south korea as pendatang as well? # by this posting I am not debating who belongs in this country today or not, as I have mentioned that I embrace the past, therefore I embrace all the various cultures that make Malaysians what it is today. As it is, in a Malay blood, we not only have the proto malay genes, but also mixed with Indians, Arabs, Chinese, dan lain-lain. But do not attempt to discount me of my heritage and the stories of my ancestors, when by doing that, they are removing my identity. So hell yeah, this is personal alright!! Srikandi: Kelompok bahasa pun sama,genetik pun terkait antara satu sama lain...kenapalah sel2 otak masih gagal berhubung??? Pelik saya. Tak kira pengkaji dalam dan luar..macam Puan Zaharah atau Prof. Zafarina atau mana-mana ceruk dunia buat kajian genetik pasal orang Melayu...hasil dia sama sahaja.Hasilnya tetap membawa kepada MELAYU ITU PRIBUMI ASIA TENGGARA. Nak tau lagi,boleh dapatkan buku saya dan kawan-kawan ye :)
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 10:45:11 +0000

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