Melissa Deleen Lince/Lynx in English is known as the Seer of - TopicsExpress


Melissa Deleen Lince/Lynx in English is known as the Seer of Secrets by Native Americans. Lynx is the master ‘seer’, gifted with the abilities of ‘second sight’, able to ‘hear’ thoughts... they have evolved to have the ability to perceive and pick up the silent thoughts of others through vibrational energy due to training of observation... Lynx has mastered these abilities and is appearing to teach us these gifts, to expand our abilities... a Lynx has the sight to see into the soul of someone, to see the thoughts and intentions without a word being spoken... Listen to the Lynx totem... Listen closely to your heart Lynx symbolism teaches, for therein lies the truth of all things, the wisdom of eternities. Lynx he knows the power of silence, the power of words. Use them wisely as powerful tool in spiritual healing. The instincts of the Lynx are precise and electric, anticipating the movement of others with uncanny accuracy... teaching us to trust our inner divine guidance.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:53:21 +0000

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