Melissa Yvette Whitney Scott Green Greene Bio copyrighted - TopicsExpress


Melissa Yvette Whitney Scott Green Greene Bio copyrighted 06/28/2014 1992-1994 I had a Registered Home Daycare in Hillsboro Texas named Steppin Stones Daycare and attended St Marys Episcopal Church when I got the chance .... Children were always a major part of my life! Being at home with my little ones meant the world to me. In 1993, I decided to go to Nursing School so we moved to Waco Tx when my husband got a job at Coca Cola ... I was 8 mos pregnant with my youngest son to the day, the day I started college; one month exactly I went into labor, delivered him and went back to school with him on my breast and I completed that semester with hormones flying. I am a strong mother and woman! The counselors there Congratulated me and commended me for my strength because they all new the challenges that I had at home. I was given the Henderson Foundation Scholarship Award and Dr Henderson said she never knew a woman whos stress test leveled out to 800 pregnant and was able to do what I did without even showing it! During this time we bought a brand new mobile home and moved our children to Riesel Texas to be close to family and get our children in a suburban school. I was accepted to the RN program on my grades at 3.8 gpa... Needless to say I will always remember jumping up and down reading that letter at the FINA station in Riesel... No one could have made me more proud of myself than that day! I worked my ass off ... now I am sharing all of this for two reasons; one for me, and for my children; oh and there is a third reason; for the non believers who have looked down on me or had doubts about my life! No one can put down a life that is honest and true... the only ones who try to do that is the ones who have something to hide or who want what you have...I pity my friends and relatives from before my parents divorce and my friends in Levelland after my moms new marriage, because I loved in the face of everyone of my enemies while you stood and tried to do identity theft of my life! You will face the consequences! I promise! My children are my world and I would give up any material possession to see them happy and taken care of.. but no one messes with my family or whats meant to be without consequences! I will never agree to give up my inheritance NEVER! This means the world to the generations of our family and to see that we get treated with the rightful respect that has been due us for the last two and a half centuries! One thing I can say is that my Resume includes hard work and dedication and I never let my family or my inheritance go to my head and I never once went over anyones head to do a damn thing to get it done! I was three years old and my sister was four when that woman Mary claimed she slept in her van (when she didnt,because she lived in a house in Hillsboro Texas and ran with Hippies), and all the sudden she was commended with a nobel peace prize after I was molested by her son and while my mother was in the hospital, I went into convulsions after that and those people were doing spiritual works on me because they meditated on me and got my soul information and knew that my grandmother Rachel had chosen me to reincarate through she connected me to everyone of those spiritual people (including my best friend) she knows and then in 2004 tried to put me through the steps to get rid of me while I kept hearing their plans and plots with my friends and family and the politicians ... (I remember Watergate) ... she constantly tried to put me and my sister through the steps offering contracts and deals ... that land in Westpoint, Texas is not hers and I do not appreciate that woman and the way she treated me and my grandfather and stole our family information to obtain wealth! The Greenes had nothing to do with these people until I was eight years old and my grandfather introduce them so NO Leanne Greene will never be Rachel. She may have been gifted in some way. But she is not my blood! I am a very talented and gifted woman and I wont lie down and take no more of the lies for nothing in the world. My grandmother Marie needs to be commended too because she really suffered right along side me while these evil people tried to do the same thing when I was a child age 9-12 Richard admitted and reminded me in meditation of the exorcisms they did on me that sent me through that hemorragic stroke ... Even so, I love my family no matter what! Im not into what anyone calls Witchcraft ... but even Jesus said that whoever accuses you of this type of work consider it a blessing in my name. So, I am blessed among women! I have been accused but not guilty! I love my God!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 00:19:12 +0000

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