Member Spotlight August Eric Spring It is only fitting that - TopicsExpress


Member Spotlight August Eric Spring It is only fitting that our very first member spotlight at Bayport CrossFit is dedicated to our very first member Eric Spring who was chosen for many other reasons besides being our first member. I remember when Eric stopped in, ten months ago, while the box looked like a dirty old warehouse filled with junk and debris. He actually had faith in us and even offered to pay his money right then and there when we told him we hoped to be open in under three weeks. Since that day Eric has been the most dedicated member we have. He brings a positive energy to every single class he attends and always boosts everyone’s morale. I hear Eric complimenting every achievement earned and I have never seen him give up. These are the reasons I wanted to sit down with Eric and ask him a few questions that might help inspire others who belong to our gym or are thinking about trying CrossFit. 1. What made you try CrossFit? My friend had been doing CrossFit for about six years and was in really great shape. He lives up state but kept telling me to try it so when I saw Bayport CrossFit opening across the street from my house I knew I had to do it. 2. What athletic background or fitness training did you have? I worked out four days a week for 15 years doing circuit training and cardio at the gym. 3. Could you go back to a regular gym? Never- after 15 years of waking up at 5:30 to do the same thing everyday! Now every morning I wake up excited to check the WOD and always do something different. Ive been coming almost a year and still learn new movements all the time. 4. What impact has CrossFit had on your life/lifestyle/level of fitness? Working out socially has been different. Having something in common with everyone, trying to reach fitness goals together. I always ate clean but a lot of the same foods all the time. Now I’ve mixed in Paleo and have a lot more variety in my diet. I feel so much stronger playing with my kids, I move things easier, even simple everyday tasks like bringing in the groceries makes me see the strength I’ve gained. 5. What’s your favorite food? Peanut butter but since CF I now love guac. 6. What’s a goal you’ve accomplished since joining? There’s so many… first it was 10 pullups now I’m past 20. My PR goals for lifts go up every month because they keep increasing. I never thought I would be able to do double unders- I thought they looked so cool and had a lot of respect for people who could do them and now I can do them like they’re nothing. 7. What’s a goal you’re still working on? Getting my first muscle up. 8. How did you feel in your early days at BPCF? I felt like such a beginner- very weak, exhausted but I loved it. 9. What’s your favorite WOD? The Murph was so awesome, everyone together cheering each other on. 10. What’s your least favorite WOD or movement? Thrusters- they’re so hard. 11. Any advice for newbies? Never feel too weak, too slow- the instructors do a great job of scaling to your ability. That’s the biggest reason why I stuck with it because of the instructors. 12. What made you decide you were ready to compete in the upcoming Hamptons Competition? I don’t feel ready but I always want to challenge myself and go to the next level- that’s what CrossFit is all about.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 01:08:06 +0000

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