Member of the Metropolitan assembly election is imminent. I cast - TopicsExpress


Member of the Metropolitan assembly election is imminent. I cast one vote to the politician who I appeal for a tax increase and win election, and is going to become the member of the public employee and do not go while government official reform is demanded. Electricity. As for the campaign to convey difference between Taker and Payer and difference between liberalism and communism to a qualified voter clearly clearly, Japanese position at the rate of in the world economy is demanded from a lesson of the Greater East Asia War to be started from past Manchurian Incident and a flow of the history in the policy agreement with a difference and the opposition party of the personality of Imperial Guardsman cabinet and the Abe cabinet. I become clear in the purpose of the quantitative easing policy of the exit from deflation more, and it seems to one of the work of the Governor of the Bank of Japan and the necessary Governor of the Bank of Japan to an investment reduction of taxes of the Abe government Bank of Japan, a city bank, companies being unified by the activation of the stock market by capital spending expansion and the equity investment of the company and an effort of the financing mediation that said, and wrestling. And it seems to be one of the education to let the nation, consumers understand it. Senkaku Islands. Yoshimi Watanabe of Your Party working for realization of "small government" straight is slow,The financing mediation of the Governor of the Bank of Japan and the action that said help big, and the Abe cabinet leaving for the conclusion that the pattern that is a detour draws a curve ball, and was called demand and "small government" of the macroeconomy should be supported for the next consumption expansion and the action of the consumers who said. The world economy will rouse demand according to law of the French Revolution and the say. Okinawa. Intention of the world economy and the government. Osaka. The cooperator of the intra-party dissenting opinion and opposition party. And in the repetition of the problem that I submitted the world economy such as member of the Metropolitan assembly election and the Heisei revolution basic financial income and expenditure and restructure to,I try accomplishment hard all day long today. 都議会議員選挙間近。国家公務員改革が叫ばれるなか、増税を訴えて選挙に勝ち公務員の一員になろうとする政治家に一票を投じるわけには行きません。 電力。TakerとPayerの違いや、自由主義と共産主義の違いをはっきりと分かりやすく有権者に伝えるキャンペーンは、過去の満州事変に端を発する大東亜戦争の教訓と歴史の流れから近衛内閣と安部内閣の個性の違いや野党との政策合意の中、世界経済における日本の役割りが求められています。 デフレ脱却の量的緩和政策の目的をもっとはっきりして、企業の設備投資拡大と株式投資による株式市場の活性化と言った融資斡旋の努力を日銀、都市銀行、企業が一体化になって取り組む事が日銀総裁と安倍政権の投資減税への必要な日銀総裁の仕事の一つに思われます。 そして、それを国民、消費者に理解させる事も教育のひとつと思われます。 尖閣諸島。ストレートに"小さな政府"の実現のために働く、みんなの党の渡辺喜美や、ゆっくり、遠回りながらもカーブを描いてマクロ経済の要望と"小さな政府"と言った帰結に向かう安倍内閣も日銀総裁の融資斡旋と言った行動が大きな助けとなり、次の消費拡大と言った消費者の行動に支えられるはずです。フランス革命や、セイの法則通りに世界経済は、需要を喚起するでしょう。 沖縄。世界経済と政府の意思。 大阪。党内の反対意見と野党の協力者。 そして、都議会議員選挙と平成維新 基礎的財政収支と構造改革といった世界経済をかけた課題の繰り返しの中、今日も一日、目標達成頑張ります。
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:22:37 +0000

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